The Situation in Papua New Guinea (PNG) from January to February, 2016 (Bilingual Texts) 二〇一六年一月份至二月份巴布亚新几内亚情形(双语文本)



Dear Saints:
Rejoice in the Lord. Thank you for interceding for us so that the Lord’s move here is advancing.
In this month, we continued steadfastly in visiting the saints, and had the home meetings in some house every week, they all are very open. We have a clear burden, that is to strengthen this local family.(A brother and his household) What touches us the most is that they follow the speaking of the ministry closely. Enjoy the Lord with His up to date speaking (the material of the 7 conferences in a year) every morning. It really preserves them to have a clear vision, and stand on the proper ground of the church.
We have corporate morning revival in a brothers house every Saturday morning, in which enjoy God’s word, eat the breakfast together, and have sweet fellowship. During the weekdays, we do some outdoor sports with YPs. By this, the YPs became more open to us; some of them even asked us for spiritual materials for them to pursue everyday. On the Lord’s Day meeting, they even took the initiative to share. They also helped us to do the cleaning before and after meeting.
Another thing that makes us joyful is that, the Lord opens another door for us. One of the contacts is a seeking Christian, very open to God’s words. She joins several church groups, and reads the bible, listens to Christian FM radio at house. After she was introduced to us 4 Feb, we went to her house every Thursdays. We have enjoyed reading gospel of John with her and her relatives after that we shared with one another. The number of the people who join the meeting is about 12.
May the Lord keep moving here, gain more YPs and local homes, and become His testimony.

Prayer burden:
1. Pray for the preparation of young people’s meeting. May the Lord gain the young people who have a pure and pursuing heart for His interest in Port Moresby.
2. May the Lord continually working in this seeking one’s family, take away their religious veils, grant them spiritual understanding, to see thevision of the Body of Christ.

In Him,
Serving brothers
In Port Moresby, PNG







  1. 为着开始有青少年的聚集,求主在各方面为我们预备,使他们被成全,坚固在召会生活里。
  2. 求主继续在Jemmie一家作工,除去她们宗教的帕子,有属灵的悟性,看见基督身体的异象。