Remembering Our Dear Brother Benjamin Chen | Brief Testimony from a Saint 纪念我们亲爱的陈泽全弟兄 | 一位圣徒的简短见证

During our wedding in Dunton House, New York, 1986, brother Chen gave blessings to us, his wife sister Phoebe provided an exquisite reception for us. As a sister having no family members around at that time, I’ll always remember their serving and shepherding in that wedding.

Also in 2011 during the Thanksgiving Conference in Northern California, many brothers were invited to our house for turkey dinner. Brother Chen was happy about his function as our matchmaker. We grinned from ear to ear.


Dear brother Chen, I know you love Phoebe deeply. May you meet with Phoebe in the heavens. May you rest in the Lord. Also may the Lord console your two daughters Sheryl and Serena. (Via Wen K Lee, translated from Chinese)

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