關於燔祭壇之啟示的圖表 Charts concerning the Revelation of the Altar of Burnt Offering 已发表 2016-02-18 關於燔祭壇之啟示的圖表 Charts concerning the Revelation of the Altar of Burnt Offering (Source:David Chang‘s Facebook )
已发表 2018-11-14 Young People Singing the Hymns 419 in the School of Truth in Querétaro, Mexico 青年人于墨西哥克雷塔罗召会真理学校唱诗歌第419首 Hola buena día hermano […]
已发表 2018-09-24 Hymn “O Jesus, Jesus, Dearest Lord!”–Saints Singing during Lord’s Table Meeting in the Church of Malabon, Philippines 菲律宾马拉闵召会擘饼聚会期间圣徒歌唱诗歌“耶稣,耶稣,最爱救主” Hymn 208, sang during […]