Current Prayer Burdens Related to Europe 歐洲當前禱告負擔

Burdens related to Europe (week of 14 February 2016)

1) Gospel trips to Europe (beginning 21 January and continuing through June)

The first in a series of seven two-week gospel trips to follow up the FTTA gospel trip began on February 14. Please pray for:

• The follow-up and continuing care of all the positive contacts from the FTTA gospel trip

• The coordination and strengthening of all the follow-up gospel trips and the ongoing participation of the local saints in the gospel and shepherding labor

• The positive translators to be gained as real co-laborers in the gospel

• The full-time serving ones who are moving to Germany from the UK to find favor with the German government and obtain visas to live in Germany long term.

Regular reports: Regular reports and updates can be found at

2) Mass distribution of gospel and ministry materials Two-week distributions of gospel and ministry materials are planned for January and February among the refugees as they enter Europe.

Please pray that the word of God will spread among the seeking ones and will lead them to salvation and open them be shepherded into the church life.

3) Giving to support the gospel work in Europe Those who are burdened to give in support of the gospel work in Europe can download instructions at Click on the link “How to Give.”

4) First Lord’s table in Budapest, Hungary (13 March)

The first Lord’s table will take place on 13 March 2016. Pray that the Lord will raise up a shining golden lampstand in Budapest for His testimony in Europe. Registration and hotel information can be found at

5) Seminars in three cities in Romania Please pray for the ongoing seminars in Bucharest, Resita, and Deva-Hunedoara to contact the readers of the ministry, and pray for the organic increase of the churches through these seminars.

6) Continuing distribution of ministry publications and shepherding of seeking ones

Please pray:

• For the radio broadcasts in the UK, Sweden, and Spain and the continuing distribution of the New Testament Recovery Version and other free ministry publications in all the European languages.

• For the shepherding of the seeking ones and their entering into the church life.

7) The raising up of the Lord’s testimony in major cities in Europe, including Lisbon, Portugal; Krakow, Poland; Budapest, Hungary; Vienna, Austria; Sofia, Bulgaria; Thessaloniki, Greece; Zagreb, Croatia; Belgrade, Serbia; Geneva and Zurich, Switzerland; Bilbao, Spain; Hamburg, Frankfurt, and Munich, Germany; and Tirana, Albania.

Burdens related to Israel

To receive prayer requests for Israel, please write to and ask the brothers to add you to the mailing list. Please include your name and locality.
