Report of Gospel Trips to Missoula, Montana—February 7, 2016 蒙大拿州米苏拉福音旅行报道—二〇一六年2月7日

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Dear saints,
Today marks the final day of our gospel trip. We finished our trip with a wonderful conference in Missoula. I was informed that this was the very first blending conference to ever occur in Montana ever since the Lord’s recovery came here about 40 years ago. The Lord really blessed this time with approximately 140-150 visiting saints representing about 12 localities from Montana and the northwest! Our brother Mark Raabe shared three messages from the previous Thanksgiving Day conference. The burden for this conference was to encourage the saints in Montana with more blending and also to let the saints in the northwest know the needs of increase and migration to the churches in Montana.
I really enjoyed from the messages that the Lord Himself is aspiring within us to go on to gain a more strengthened and stabilized church and for the saints to have a renewed and greatly enlarged experience of Christ. If we spend time in the Lord’s presence and allow Him to duplicate His heart in us, we will receive this same aspiration. But He doesn’t need us to necessarily do anything for Him. The materials of God’s building are just the Triune God Himself (1 Cor. 3:12) worked into our being. All God needs us to do is allow Him to make His home in our heart, giving Him permission to remove all negative things in our being and to build Himself into us. This will never happen if we don’t let Him grow in us. The growth equals the building, and God wants to grow! But this isn’t just for the local churches, this is for the universal Body of Christ. This is the view that we must have:our growth is not just for ourselves or even for our locality, but for the building of the entire Body of Christ. We can simply pray, “Lord,today I allow You to spread a little more into my being today. I let You make Your home more in my heart. Build Yourself into my being, not for my own spirituality or gain, but for Your universal Body, for Your dwelling place!”
We really hope and pray that the Lord was pleased with all the activities, prayers, gospel preaching, coordination, and blending that took place these last two weeks. We aren’t satisfied with just an outward work or increase; we believe the Lord built Himself more into the FTTA team and all the saints we visited. May the Lord gain His universal Body through Cheney, Missoula, all the localities that were at the conference, and even the whole earth! Come, Lord Jesus! Praise You, Lord!
Source: beseeching