Report of the Gospel Trip to Ethiopia and Prayer Burdens—February 2016 衣索匹亚福音旅行及祷告负担报道—二〇一六年2月

Yesterday we drove from Addis Ababa to Hawassa, Ethiopia. We arrived with a group of saints from Addis to preach the gospel and gain 2 solid homes in this city. In Hawassa, there is only one family and 8 college students. Today the trainees were paired with the saints from Addis and one sister from the University of Hawassa joined us. We all were happy and rejoicing in the Lord of how open and hungry the people in this city are. A few of us went on the gospel in the morning and then again in the evening time. A few saints and trainees stayed at the family’s home to have a home meeting with the gospel contacts and 3 students from today want to bebaptized tomorrow! Some of the young people joined us in gospel preaching and were encouraged by the openness of the people to pray and call on the Lord with them. The saints even said they met people who wanted to pass out tracks to their friends. The saints even testified that when they spoke to one person many would gather and listen and would be open. One gospel pair spoke to a group of 15 people and all of them called on the Lord. The fish are jumping right into the boat here in Hawassa! After today we gathered together to pray that the Lord would gain remaining fruit from our time here. We will be here for one more day, but we pray the Lord will gain many and bring them into His recovery.
Prayer Burdens
– That the Lord would gain two solid homes in Hawassa, Ethiopia. – That the Lord would release more baptisms and bring the 3 students tomorrow to be baptized.
– Please pray for many open and warm hearts on the gospel tomorrow.
Source: beseeching
Testimony from one of the saints:
Preaching the gospel in Hawassa was one of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever had. I’ve never been anywhere that was this open. The fish were literally jumping into the boat. Over 150 people prayed/called on the Lord in two days and we baptized 7 in one day. Jesus is Lord in Hawassa!