Report of the Gospel Trip to Puerto Rico & Antigua and Prayer Burdens- January 28, 2016 波多黎各&安提瓜福音旅行及祷告负担报道(二〇一六年一月28日)

Gospel Trips Report and Prayer Burdens

Puerto Rico & Antigua – January 28

Hallelujah saints,
Jesus is Lord! These past couple of days have been filled with more drinking and eating the Lord. On Wednesday, we traveled from the city of Caguas to the capital, San Juan and went to the University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras campus. This campus is the biggest in the island and there were crowds of students all over. We went out in pairs to speak with students, introduce the club, and share the good news of the gospel! We gave out FREE BIBLES, gathered contact information from various students, and some prayed with us to receive the Lord.

An encouraging experience we had was with a girl who told us she was not currently into religion or church, but that she sometimes still reads her Bible. After we spoke with her for a few minutes, she was softened towards us, and we were able to pray for her right then. We’re beginning to see that many students here come from a religious home or because of the culture are exposed to Christianity or Catholicism, but our boast is not in what we are, do, or even the way we meet, but “Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as your slaves for Jesus’ sake” (2 Cor. 4:5). This is the way the Lord gains a small opening in the hearts of many. For this reason, we believe that they would be open to something new, real, and living – this is something that annuls old tradition and enlivens the hearts of many young people.

Prayer Burdens:
– That the students already in the church life would pick up the burden for these campuses and all of these open ones
– That the students would be really connected to some saints in the community
– That the full-timers would have the capacity to take care of each one, especially the seekers.

source: beseeching