There was a gospel event on Saturday night in one of the cities. The day began cold and rainy. Because of the bad weather, we felt it was a “desolate place” (v. 4) where few would come. But an hour before the meeting, around 10 refugees had arrived. A text came saying: “29 refugees coming soon!” Suddenly, the small meeting room (designed for perhaps 50 comfortably) was filled with over 60 guests. Every seat was taken, and some were standing along the wall. Including the saints, a total of around 120 were gathered. Many of us stood in unbelief of what was unfolding in front of our eyes. Then a call was made that if anyone wanted to receive this One, all they had to do was stand now and pray. We did not know if anyone would respond. Almost immediately, a young man stood up. Soon, many others followed. A total of 40 prayed to receive the Lord Jesus Christ. We watched and listened in awe. It was an extremely moving moment. After the prayer, that same young man turned to a brother sitting next to him and said, “I never knew it could be this easy.” Some groups prayed more with their contacts and a few read from The Mystery of Human Life. Some even enjoyed telling the Lord Jesus that they loved Him. There were many smiles and many were thanking the saints for all their love and care. Many signed up for future Bible studies. One of our translators, who was saved only days before, turned to one of us and said, “This is beautiful.” When asked what was beautiful, he answered, “The prayers.”
We praise You Lord for all that came tonight and also for the 40 who prayed to receive You!