Report of the Gospel Trip to Berlin and Prayer Burdens- January 30, 2016 柏林福音旅行及祷告负担报道(二〇一六年一月30日)

After a week of contacting different ones, we invited a certain number to the meeting hall of the Church in Berlin for a reception. The main goal of the time was to give the local saints in Berlin an opportunity to meet the ones contacted and help to establish a relationship with them.
After welcoming everyone we all took turns to introduce ourselves and where we were from. All 7 continents and over 6 languages were represented by everyone at the reception causing us to realize only the Lord could bring us all together here. We then continued by singing the hymn “Amazing Grace” in German and English to our contacts while they read a translation of it in Arabic and Farsi. Following the singing everyone partook of sweets and coffee while getting to know more about one another. The Lord answered our prayers for a sweet and loving atmosphere at the reception and we believe many of our contacts enjoyed the time.
Later one contact had the following response, “I felt like I was in everyone’s heart and that the Lord gathered us together in His love.” What he spoke could not have been more than what we had hoped for. We are thankful to the Lord for bringing them in contact with us and for blessing the time. Some of those there will also be joining us for the Lord’s Table here in Berlin tomorrow.
Prayer Burden:
• That the local saints would be able to be connected with these contacts and that the Lord would continue to break through all the language and cultural differences between us to bring more of these ones solidly into the church.

Source: Beseeching