Update of the Gospel Trip to Ethiopia 衣索匹亚福音旅行近况简报

Ethiopia Gospel Trip – Update and prayer request from the saints

Dear saints,

Firstly, I would like to thank you for interceding for the gospel trips of the trainees. Secondly, I would like to let you know what we have been enjoying in Ethiopia. We joined the first table meeting in Adama, which is one-hour driving distance from Addis.

We attended the prayer meeting two days ago. The prayer of the saints impressed and inspired all the trainees and me. Seeing this, I could not help but worship the Lord that He did such a wonderful job in His church here. The fire of prayer was burning from the beginning to the end during the one and half hours. They all prayed short, strong, and to the point.

People are veiled by religion. So we decided, we the gospel team, would have a fasting prayer in the morning today asking the Lord to bind the enemy behind the religion and release the dynamic salvation to many. Then, 5 college students were baptized today. Praise Him!. What was impossible for us to do was done by the Lord effortlessly.

We and the local saints enjoyed sweet coordination, (we were treated as their own family) and the victory of Christ so much through gospel preaching.

Please pray for us:
1. We hope to bear 25 remaining fruits who are the college students before the team leaves.
2. The church in Addis can get a property nearby campus as the gospel station and the meeting hall. They have been praying for this for 7 years. May the Lord gain this property for gaining more college students for His move on this continent.
3. For the health of the trainees. We are all taking Malaria medicine, which has some unpleasant side effects.

Saints please pray for us and the Lord’s move.

(Source: Church News 召會通問‘s Facebook )