January 24
Praise the Lord for His move in Laval! After arriving in Montreal on Saturday, we joined the college students that evening for their college meeting. Together we enjoyed Philippians 2:15-16 and saw that to shine as luminaries in this dark and corrupt world, we need to be saturated with His Word of life.
Today, we joined the church in Montreal for the Lord’s table and prophesying meetings which included English, French, Chinese, and Spanish speaking saints. After the love feast, we spent the rest of the afternoon getting to know the local saints while touring Montreal. We then headed to Laval to have dinner at a local saint’s studio and had a time of sweet coordination and prayer for the rest of the week.
Prayer Burdens:
That the Lord could reach many through the Bible distributions at the Metro stations starting tomorrow (1/25) and continuing throughout the week.
That the Lord would release many local saints to join the trainees and serving ones in the Bible distributions and door hanging this week.
January 25
We started off the day with some singing, praying, and coordination for the day’s activities. Donning our Bibles for
Canada T-shirts with tracts and Recovery Version Bibles in hand we headed for Laval. We went to the Montmorency Metro station to get a small taste of what the Bible distribution for the rest of the week will be like. We talked to a good number of local people, handed out tracts, and gave away a handful of Bibles in both English and French.
The evening was spent in the homes of the local saints for the young people and college coordination times. Half of the team joined the young people serving ones and the other half the college servings ones. Both groups had a sweet time of coordination and prayer while entering into the burden of the ongoing work with the young people and college students.
Prayer Burdens:
That many of the local people in the Metro stations would be open to receiving a Bible during our distribution, and that many would sign up for the Bible seminar this coming Saturday.
That many homes would warmly receive and read the door hangers that will be distributed to neighborhoods in Laval tomorrow afternoon.