The Report of December, 2015 in PNG 巴布亞新幾內亞二〇一五年十二月份報道

Dear Saints,

We should give thanks to the Lord! Since we found the local couple, Bro Simon and Sister, by this family, the Lord’s move among us has been advancing…

With the Lord’s blessing, we had more home meetings and visitations last month. Every Wednesday afternoon we have the pursuing meeting of Life-study in the saint’s house. On Saturday afternoon we have the hymn singing meeting to enjoy the Lord. Also we have the corporate morning revival in Bro Simon’s house.

We have Bible reading on the Lord’s Day. About 26 people joined the meeting on Dec.6th, including 5 local young people. On Dec.13rd, 29 people joined the meeting. In the same time, in the third prayer meeting on December, 16 people joined it.

Because of the security problems, we tried to find the way to shepherd the saints in a flexible way. On Monday evening, we have the WeChat online meeting of Bible Question and Answer related to the chapter we pursued on the Lord’s Day. In the WeChat group, we gave the questions that the saints could answer, which helped the saints to review the chapter and to have a strong impression on the truth of the Bible.

On Dec.27th, the last Lord’s Day in 2015, we had the year-end meeting. In that meeting almost every saint shared their feeling or enjoyment about what the Lord had done on them in 2015.  What the Lord did was more than what they thought and needed. Even our gospel friend also shared that the meeting was so different that caused him to think about the meaning of human life.

In this month of January, there were still time for young people to go to school and some of them needed to go home. Therefore, through the fellowship we decided to have a two days’ training for the young people on Jan.4th and 5th. Eventually there were 8 young people joining it. In short-term training, we had hymn singing with action, messages, games, activities, cleaning, cooking and the practice of calling upon the Lord’s name. Everything we prepared was for perfecting them to enjoy the Lord and the corporate living. In the evening of Jan.5th, we had the young people’s exhibition to the saints. They introduced each other, called upon the Lord’s name, sang English hymn with action, sang Chinese Hymn, and had personal sharing. The saints was so touched by that kind of exhibition that they had more burden on the young people. We hope the Lord can gain more local young people for His move in PNG.

The experience from Sister Phila:

Thanks for the leadership of the Lord in these months. I was touched by one thing: prayer. Our actions are very limited because of security problems in this country. There are only a few public places for us to go to by car, which brings the inconvenience in service. Once in my prayer, there was a voice within me: our service was not only preaching gospel or shepherding the saints. Our living is our working. Our prayer is the highest service. Through various ways of prayer, we learn to serve the Lord in the invisible realm, not by sight, but by the Spirit. Eventually, the Lord opens the way for us continually.

Daniel Gan & Antipas Lan

In Christ,

Daniel Gan & Antipas Lan

In Port Moresby, PNG