二〇一五年十大感人新聞之三|二〇一五年秋季國際長老及負責弟兄訓練 Top 10 Impressive News in 2015(3)| 2015 Fall International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones


二〇一五年 秋季的長老及負責弟兄訓練,在巴西聖保羅州 Aguas De Lindoia舉行。

此次訓練是在一個叫做Majestic的旅館舉行,共有近1100位從全球各地來的弟兄們參, 包括南美洲的400位葡萄牙語弟兄們和200位西班牙語的弟兄們。



2015 Fall International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones

2015 Fall International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones was held in  Aguas De Lindoia , São Paulo, Brazil.

The training took place in a hotel called Majecstic, with a total of nearly 1,1oo attending brothers from different places around the globe, including 400 Portuguese-speaking and 200 Spanish-speaking brothers from South America.

The main content of the training, THE CRUCIAL POINTS OF THE MAJOR ITEMS OF THE LORD’S RECOVERY TODAY covers The Recovery of the Economy of God, The Triune God, The Supreme Preciousness of the All-Inclusive Christ, The Consummated Spirit, The Eternal Life, The Recovery of the Church, The Oneness of the Body of Christ, The Local Ground of the Church, and The Lord’s Recovery versus the Present Evil Age and the Eschatology of the Church.

The local churches not merely mean that the Church appears in every place. The oneness of the ground of the church, which reflects the oneness of the Body in reality, is the mysterious oneness of the Triune God. Today this oneness has been granted to us. However, we need to be diligent to keep the oneness of the Spirit in the uniting bond of peace with lowliness and meekness, with long-suffering, bearing one another in love (Eph. 4:2-3).

Source: http://theblendingofthebody.org/blog/2015/10/06/2015-年秋季的長老及負責弟兄訓練,在巴西聖保羅州/