二〇一五年十大感人新聞之五 | 印尼的國際全時間訓練相調特會 Top 10 Impressive News in 2015(5)| IFTT Blending Conference in Indonesia





IFTT Blending Conference in Indonesia

IFTT Blending Conference in Indonesia was held in the Sentul International Conference Center on the 13-14 of June. Nearly 2,000 overseas saints and almost 10,000 local saints from Indonesia attended the conference.

This was a thanksgiving blending, testifying that the blessing FTTI has bought to the churches in Indonesia. Graduated trainees have changed the spiritual condition in the churches and increased the number of the believers as well. The past fifteen years have seen that the number attending the Lord’s table meeting had increased from over 1,200 to over 3,900 in the church of Jakarta. Many young people has been perfected in life, truth, and character. They also functioned organically in every church and practiced God-ordained way. The past twenty years have witnessed that the testimony of the Lord had been spread to 66 cities in Indonesia. Currently, there has been 126 churches with about 14,000 saints in Indonesia. The brothers in Indonesia hope that there will be 200 saints receiving training every term in the coming ten years and 500 churches being established in the coming ten years.

Yes, 「No mortal tongue can e’er describe / The freedom of the soul,/ when passed beyond all earthly bride / To God’s complete control…」At the end of this age, the Lord still calls people to live for God’s interest. May the Lord raise up more young people who love Him that the testimony of the Lord may spread and shine forth in every place.

Source: http://theblendingofthebody.org/blog/2015/07/10/印尼的國際全時間訓練相調特會蒙恩分享/