二〇一五年十大感人新聞之十 | 刘治成弟兄安息主怀 Top 10 Impressive News in 2015(10)| Bro Liu Chicheng Resting in the Lord


大約一九七一 年初劉伯伯就來到台中帶領,照顧中、彰、投甚至雲嘉眾召會。 這是祂主宰的安排,可以說我事奉主的啓蒙、受教 導、看榜樣,全在那個時期開始,使我多年的心願 有了主所給的具體答案。

劉伯伯在老一輩的同工裏,不算是能言的人,但 他的說話非常有能力、有光,且滿了權柄。他在人 前的說話,是來自他在神面前的禱告,他天天與師 母跪下為召會的一切需要禱告。

他在菲律賓三十多年,辦訓練、蓋訓練中心, 一直是本着:「不怕難、不怕苦、不叫窮。不募捐、 不怕死、不顧命。」的原則來服事。他不僅給我啟蒙,也在許多事上給 我教導;並且他所說的正是他所作的,他所是的; 他是一個活的榜樣擺在我們面前。我們每次到菲律 賓去看他,都得着幫助和激勵。謝謝主,把他當作 恩賜給了這一代的聖徒,願我們以及更多的青年人 起來,踏着他們(希伯來書十二章的雲彩)的腳蹤, 一同奔跑這屬天的賽程,直到主來。

Bro Liu Chicheng Resting in the Lord

In about the beginning of 1971 Brother Liu Chicheng came to Taichung to lead and take care of the churches in Taichung, ChuangHua, Nantou, and even Yunlin and Chiayi. This was His sovereign arrangement. You may say that the enlightening, the instruction, and seeing patterns in my service of the Lord all began at that time. Therefore I had the definite answers from the Lord in accord with my heart’s desire over the years.

Brother Liu Chicheng was not counted as an eloquent person among the co-workers in the older generation, but his speaking was very powerful, enlightening, and full of authority. His speaking before man was derived from his prayer before God. He daily kneeled down with His wife to pray for all the needs of the church.

During more than thirty years in Philippines, he set up training and built up training center, and he served all the time on the principle of not fearing difficulties, not fearing suffering, not saying poor, not collecting contribution, not fearing death, and not caring for lives. He not only enlightened me but also taught me on many things; moreover, what he said was exactly what he did and what he was; he was a living pattern before us. Every time we visited him in Philippines, we received help and encouragement. Thank the Lord for giving him as a gift to the saints of this generation. May we, with more young people, rise up and follow their steps (the cloud in Hebrews 12) to run the heavenly race together until the Lord’s coming back.

Source: http://theblendingofthebody.org/blog/2015/05/19/%e6%88%91%e4%ba%8b%e5%a5%89%e4%b8%bb%e7%9a%84%e5%95%9f%e8%92%99%e3%80%81%e5%b0%8e%e5%b8%ab%e5%92%8c%e6%a6%9c%e6%a8%a3-%ef%bc%8d%e8%bf%bd%e5%bf%b5%e5%8a%89%e6%b2%bb%e6%88%90%e5%bc%9f%e5%85%84%ef%bc%8d/