二〇一五年十大感人新聞之八 | 中国天津的危化品爆炸 Top 10 Impressive News in 2015(8)| Hazardous Chemicals Explosion in Tientsin, China


天津來的訊息 – Pray for TianJin


Hazardous Chemicals Explosion in Tientsin, China

Information from Tianjin – pray for Tianjin

Brothers and sisters, I have just seen a sister from Tianjin and asked if any brother or sister got injured in the explosion. The sister said that there were many brothers and sisters in Harbor Town in Tanggu, Tianjin. However, thank the Lord that the injured ones just suffered minor injuries. A sister with the most serious injury had three fractures. Located in the community of Harbor Town, her house was very near to the explosion spot. When the second explosion occurred, the first thing that she and her husband with the mother did was to call upon the name of the Lord. At that time the shape of the door had been changed and the whole building was on fire, and they thought it impossible to get out. But thank the Lord! When the brother kicked the door hard, a gap appeared and then the three of the family came out. They called upon the name of the Lord all the way as they ran. Many of their neighbors did not escaped from their house. This was truly the preservation of the Lord! The sister still needed the operation for the fractures and postoperatively repair. All the brothers and sisters are praying for them! The Lord indeed took care of His children in danger.

Source: http://theblendingofthebody.org/blog/2015/08/16/天津來的訊息-pray-for-tianjin/