如何對初信者说到圣诞节 ?(中英文本) How to Speak with the New Believers on Christmas (Chinese & English Texts)


读经:太十三33 祂对他们另讲一个比喻说,诸天的国好像麵酵,有妇人拿去藏在三斗麵里,直到全团都发了酵。


今天的圣诞节,是天主教把麵酵加到关于基督之教训这细麵里的另一例子。在古时,十二月二十五日是罗马人敬拜太阳神的日子。后来,由于康士坦丁大帝的利诱,许多罗马人成了假基督徒;但他们仍然想要继续记念太阳,只是在康士坦丁的影响之下,他们被迫要敬拜基督。所以,他们就用十二月二十五日来庆祝基督的出生。这就是圣诞节的由来。基督是真的,圣诞节是假的;基督是真理,圣诞节是异端和混杂。历世纪以来,有人写了一些书,如希斯录(A. Hislop)所着的《两个巴比伦》(The Two Babylons)等,来暴露罗马天主教的异端。(神人,四五页。)









(來源:職事入門365,V-38 聖誕節)

Matt. 13:33 Another parable He spoke to them: The kingdom of the heavens is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal until the whole was leavened.


Today’s Christmas is another example of leaven added by Catholicism to the fine flour of the teaching concerning Christ. In ancient times December 25 was the day on which the Romans worshipped their sun god. Later, after many Romans became false Christians under the seducing of Constantine the Great, they still wanted to continue their remembrance of the sun god. However, under the influence of Constantine, they were forced to worship Christ. Therefore, they made December 25 a day for the celebration of Christ’s birth. This is the source of Christmas. Christ is true; Christmas is false. Christ is the truth; Christmas is a heresy and a mixture. Over the centuries some books have been written, including The Two Babylons, by Alexander Hislop, to expose the heresies of Roman Catholicism. (The God-Men, p. 42)


Not Trying to Adjust Them Harshly

In one of the home meetings, a family of new believers proposed that their family and the saints exchange Christmas gifts. When the suggestion was made, the saints simply smiled and tried to avoid the issue by turning the conversation to a hymn and a portion of the Word. The meeting ended without [any] further mention of Christmas. But a few days later, another reference was made to something of Christmas by one of the family members as the family was traveling to one of the meetings with the team. The family has been brought into [the] enjoyment and experience of the Lord on many occasions, yet the saints are somewhat concerned as to how to share with them concerning the celebration of Christmas without offending them.

In speaking with the new believers, you should never forget that they are babes and that they must be fed with baby food. When they raise a question concerning Christmas, you should not try to adjust them harshly, since this would not be treating them as babes. The nursing mothers not only feed their little ones, but they also cherish them. This cherishing makes them happy. Once they are cherished and feel happy, the mothers feed them. You must learn how to “play” with the new believers. Your aim in playing with them is to feed them; therefore, you should not become too occupied with the subject of Christmas.

Turning Them From the False Things of Christmas to the Reality of Christ

You may say in a tender and loving manner, “Christmas is here because of Christ. Without Christ, there would be no Christmas holiday. The story of Christmas began because Christ came to be our Savior. Although you may have a Christmas tree, you must make sure that you get Christ.” You should gradually turn them from the false things of Christmas to the reality of Christ. As you turn them to Christ, saying something about Christ, spontaneously you are injecting them with Christ. Eventually, through this kind of tender fellowship, they will feel happy that they know something about the real meaning [of] Christmas, and soon they will forget about exchanging Christmas gifts. You should exercise your patience and wisdom, but you should not forget your goal of ministering Christ in the new believers as their nourishment.

The year I got saved, I learned that Christmas was a falsehood. I began to fight with anyone who held on to something of Christmas. That was wrong. Gradually, I have learned to “play” with the spiritual babes. We all have to learn this secret. In the Western world, there is the problem of the Christmas celebration, but in the Far East, especially in China, there is the problem of the traditional feasts which occur three times a year. It is difficult for the young believers to overcome these feasts and celebrations, but with the Lord’s help, we can help them by applying the principle which I have presented here. (The Exercise & Practice of the God-Ordained Way, pp. 202-205)

References: The God-Men, ch. 3; The Exercise & Practice of the God-Ordained Way, msg. 22.
