The 11th Regular Thursday Night Students Gathering | Greenwich Bible Reading Society 第十一次週四晚上定期學生聚會|格林威治讀經社團

                                             The 11th Regular Thursday Night Students Gathering 

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* Walking According to Spirit and Two Walks by the Spirit
Gal 5:16 But I say, Walk by the Spirit and you shall by no means fulfill the lust of the flesh.
Gal 5:25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.
– Walk
The Greek word means to observe the elements, to walk according to the elements, e.g., to walk in line, to march in military rank, to keep in step; and, derivatively, to walk in an orderly, regulated manner
Both the walk in Gal 5:16 and the walk in Gal 5:25 are by the Spirit and are regulated by the Spirit. The former refers to a general, daily walk; the latter, to a walk that takes God’s unique goal as the direction and purpose of life, and a walk that follows the Spirit as the elementary rule, the basic principle. Such a walk is cultivated by living in the new creation, by pursuing Christ in order to gain Him, and by practicing the church life, thus fulfilling God’s intention in Christ for the church.

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(Reprinting from Greenwich Bible Reading Society ‘s FB)