Current Prayer Burdens Related to Europe 歐洲當前禱告負擔

Burdens related to Europe (week of 13 December 2015)

1) Winter School of Truth in the UK, Netherlands, and the Iberian Peninsula (26-31 December)

2) Report on Iberian Peninsula Conference (Please click here)

3) Report from Thessaloniki, Greece (Click here)

4) Mass Migration out of the Middle East into Europe

Please continue to pray:

• For the response of all the saints to the fellowship released during the Thanksgiving conference.

• For the Lord’s clear leading concerning the way to carry out the Lord’s present move in a coordinated way.

• For the free mass distribution of literature and the response of the seeking ones.

• For the participation of saints who are proficient in the Arabic and Farsi languages.

• For the salvation and gaining of the Lord’s chosen and called ones, especially the useful ones and the young ones.

• For the Lord’s protection of His present move from the attack of the evil one, Satan.

Click on the link below to download a PDF containing a list of current prayer burdens related to Europe:

Current List of Prayer Burdens (Week of December 2015)