Current Prayer Burdens Related to Europe 歐洲當前禱告負擔

Burdens Related to Europe (week of 6 December 2015)

1) Mass Migration out of the Middle East into Europe

A video recording of the fellowship given on November 28 to the saints who attended the Thanksgiving conference in Jacksonville, FL, can now be viewed online. The video is entitled “Report on the Refugee Crisis affecting the Middle East and Europe” and is available to all who have an LSM Webcast account.

Instructions for viewing the video are:

• Login to

• Go to ‘Recent Conference Archives’

• Click on ‘A Report on the Refugee Crisis affecting the Middle East and Europe’

There is no charge to watch the video; however, anyone who wishes to watch the video must have an LSM Webcast account. Most churches already have an account. Those who do not have an account can create a per-message user account. The video is intended only for the churches and the saints in the Lord’s recovery. It cannot be downloaded but must be streamed from the Internet. A written report is attached to this document. At this time the report is available only in English.

Please continue to pray:

• For the response of all the saints to the fellowship released during the Thanksgiving conference.

• For the Lord’s clear leading concerning the way to carry out the Lord’s present move in a coordinated way.

• For the free mass distribution of literature and the response of the seeking ones.

• For the participation of saints who are proficient in the Arabic and Farsi languages.

• For the salvation and gaining of the Lord’s chosen and called ones, especially the useful ones and the young ones.

• For the Lord’s protection of His present move from the attack of the evil one, Satan.

Click on the link below to download a PDF containing a list of current prayer burdens related to Europe: