Report on National Conference in Chile 智利全國特會報道

National Conference in Santiago, Chile

  On Oct 10-11, 2015, a nation-wide weekend conference was held in the capital city Santiago for all the local churches in Chile. This is an important time for all the saints of Chile, especially crucial for those saints and local churches just recovered from the weakened situation due to past confusions and frustration.

  There were around 450 saints coming from the cities all around of Chile to Santiago, a few coming down from the most northern city- Arica, and some from the uttermost southern city- Punta Arenas… just imagine the price – 5000 kilometers distance difference between these 2 cities. Since such a price has been paid in time and traveling, the seeking heart for God’s up-to-date word and atmosphere for blending was very strong and pleasant.

  There were 5 meetings in 2 days, and 4 messages were given in 4 general sessions. The general subject is “The Person, Living, and Ministry of the God-men in their Oneness with the Triune God to Carry Out the Economy of God”

  The outline was the same one brother Ron Kengas prepared and used in Korea conference not long ago. The responses after each message in every session was surprisingly strong and to the points.

  We feel so joyful to hear the sharing of the Chilean saints with the word of ministry in such an amazing way with the exercised spirit.

  There was an added session arranged in the afternoon on Saturday (10/10) for us to meet with the college students and young people, and almost 100 came to the fellowship. We encouraged them to dive into the Word and the need of a higher education for the Lord. By seeing so many young ones from the churches in Chile, we sense the glorious future of the recovery in this country. We really praise the Lord for His move in Chile!

  Before going to Chile, through the fellowship, the leading brothers in Santiago requested if we can have some time with the Chinese speaking saints of Santiago area before and after the conference. Due to the limited number of them and past distracting causes, the Chinese speaking saints need to be encouraged in an urgent way. Praise the Lord for his opening way that we had very good fellowship with some of them. Around 14 saints came to fellowship in the evening on 10/11 and the fellowship was so good and even hard to stop until almost 11 pm that night. And most wonderful point was that they feel the  need to have Chinese speaking meeting starting at least once a month. Praise the Lord for His operating spirit both in willing and working in the saints.

  Please pray for the going on of the Lord’s recovery in Chile!