LMA Newsletter – October 2015 二〇一五年十月LMA通訊

Saudi Arabia is the largest Arab state in West Asia. In recent years the flow of the divine life reached and watered this land, bringing in multiplication and increase. Currently there are 9 local churches. The saints are hungry for the word of God. In addition to the Lord’s Table meetings, prayer meetings and small group meetings, meetings for reading the Life-study messages and video trainings are also held regularly. May the Lord continue to strengthen His testimony in Saudi Arabia!

The Lord also thrust out workers into His harvest in Nepal, Vietnam and Zambia. The saints testify that the Lord has prepared sons of peace in every place. May the Lord gain more saints who would cooperate with Him not only to preach the gospel, but also to shepherd the saints for the raising up of golden lampstands.

To read and download the October issue of the LMA newsletter, please go to http://lmasia.org/temp/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/E-2015-10.pdf



閱讀及下載十月份『主在亞洲的行動』月刊,請至 http://lmasia.org/temp/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Asia-2015-10.pdf