Bible Study Club at Brunel University London UK 布魯內爾倫敦大學聖經研讀社團

Bible Study Club Brunel University

Hi everyone, today we are at the freshers fayre inside the sports hall, stall 157, giving out free gospel of John and meeting new people! Join us of you’re around!

Stefan Misaras's photo.

Stefan Misaras's photo.

Stefan Misaras's photo.

Stefan Misaras's photo.

Praise the Lord, and thank you saints for your prayers. Here’s the welcome dinner we had at our house. Ar least five new students came. Please pray for the resr of the week, that the Lord would gain many more freshmen for His interest. May the Lord bring even more at the second welcome dinner! Praise the Lord!

Stefan Misaras's photo.

Brunel University_百度百科

布鲁内尔伦敦大学(Brunel) — Brunel University London位于英国首都伦敦西部,是一所拥有四座校园的现代化综合性大学。