About the blog called Holding to Truth in Love

So in March 2011, I started this blog, now called “Holding to Truth in Love.” The title expresses God’s desire expressed in Paul’s word in Ephesians 4:15, “But holding to truth in love, we may grow up into Him in all things, who is the Head Christ.” My desire expressed in this blog is that we would not merely believe God’s word to be true, but be actively engaged in a daily practice of holding to all the real things revealed there. In Greek it literally means “truthing it.”

“We may grow up into Him” indicates that “holding to truth” isn’t something just done by yourself. We need others who would hold to the truth with us. So in this blog, I hope to engage others like yourself in “truthing it in love” so that we can encourage one another to grow up into Christ for the building up of His Body, the church.

via About.