Summer School Of Truth (SSOT) – New Taipei City – 7/7/2015-7/11/2015

Summer School Of Truth (SSOT) – New Taipei City –  7/7/2015-7/11/2015

At the Summer School of Truth that was held in Xindian district from July 7th to July 11th, there were a total of 450 young people who participated. The morning sessions were split into three groups: Chinese junior high, Chinese high school and junior/high school English. The total number attending the English sessions was 150.

The topic for this year’s summer school of Truth was “Christ’s Person and Work”. The sessions covered Christ’s Person and Work from His incarnation to ascension, the essential and economical Spirit and the Lord’s second coming. Even though the young people were familiar the topics, the burden in the lessons was to help the young people have more subjective experience.

In addition to having the sessions in the morning, in the afternoon the young people had guitar lessons, English hymn singing classes and outdoor activities.

This year, there was a typhoon headed for Taiwan and for one day the government told all the workers and students to stay home because of the Typhoon. Because of this, the SSOT had to be cancelled for one day. But, praise the Lord! Through the prevailing prayers of the saints, the SSOT was able to continue the next day.

On the last day the young people got together in groups to present their enjoyment from the week to the local saints. They also sang two songs that they had memorized in English to the saints “I have set before you life and death” and the first stanza of “Mary poured out her love offering”. The groups and individuals that had memorized the most verses were also given gifts.

May the Lord continue to draw the young people to Himself and cause them to run after Him.