The first time saints’ blending in Karachi

Eating the Lord is the Way! Blending for the Building up of the Body of Christ!
31st May is really an unforgettable day, 65 brothers and sisters along with 14 children came to
our new house attended the first time’s blending in Karachi, we together enjoyed the message
<<The Way to fulfill God’s Purpose>>, help the saints to eat the tree of life, all the saints received
the burden to become the eating Christians, not the doing Christians. Also we encouraged them
to open their mouth, open their heart, and open their spirit to blend with other saints. After the
message, we also had a wonderful loving feast. The foods came from different families. It was
really a wonderful blending.
According to their own culture, they are not used to visit each other, but when we invited
them to come to our house, it is easy for them to open to each other. Praise the Lord! Through
some saints’ loving to the Lord and offering for His move, we rented a big house for the further
blending, after we shifted into this new house on 14th May, we started to invite the saints come
to visit our house, every day we specially invited 2 to 3 different families from different areas
come together in our home for dinner, help them to learn to blend with each other, Before 31st
May, about 70-75 saints already were visited to our home, they all expected for the coming
blending. On the last day of May was our blending, some young saints came here very early in
the morning to help us to clean house and prepare the food, and many families also prepared
some dishes in their own home, and brought it here, some families prepared the plates, the
glasses, and the pots, fans… someone even offered money to partake in this blending. We are so
happy to see the saints all function in the church. During the meeting, no one here to lead the
meeting, the spirit here was moving freely, they read the message and shared it one by one,
some brothers and sisters who had the burden also gave some strength word and testimonies,
all the saints were touched by God’s Speaking. It changed our mind in Dealing with the Lord, we
should open ourselves to the Lord, and eating Him every day. In the dinner time, we encouraged
the saints to blend with other families in their same ages, we divided them into four groups: the
aged brothers, the aged sisters, the young brothers, and the young sisters. It is really a wonderful
blending, and saints enjoyed it very much, through the fellowship we decided to continue this
blending once each month, May the Lord build us together, and stir up each one’s function
through these blending, Praise the Lord! Eating the Lord is the Way!
Last month we also were invited to one Pentecost church for sharing the Word of God, the
saints here were very open to the truth of God. We also started the Young people’s Bible
Reading and the Children’s Meeting, hope the Lord will gain them from their youth. May the Lord
have a strong testimony here!

Eating the Lord is the Way! Blending for the Building up of the Body of Christ!
31st May is really an unforgettable day, 65 brothers and sisters along with 14 children came to
our new house attended the first time’s blending in Karachi, we together enjoyed the message
<<The Way to fulfill God’s Purpose>>, help the saints to eat the tree of life, all the saints received
the burden to become the eating Christians, not the doing Christians. Also we encouraged them
to open their mouth, open their heart, and open their spirit to blend with other saints. After the
message, we also had a wonderful loving feast. The foods came from different families. It was
really a wonderful blending.
According to their own culture, they are not used to visit each other, but when we invited
them to come to our house, it is easy for them to open to each other. Praise the Lord! Through
some saints’ loving to the Lord and offering for His move, we rented a big house for the further
blending, after we shifted into this new house on 14th May, we started to invite the saints come
to visit our house, every day we specially invited 2 to 3 different families from different areas
come together in our home for dinner, help them to learn to blend with each other, Before 31st
May, about 70-75 saints already were visited to our home, they all expected for the coming
blending. On the last day of May was our blending, some young saints came here very early in
the morning to help us to clean house and prepare the food, and many families also prepared
some dishes in their own home, and brought it here, some families prepared the plates, the
glasses, and the pots, fans… someone even offered money to partake in this blending. We are so
happy to see the saints all function in the church. During the meeting, no one here to lead the
meeting, the spirit here was moving freely, they read the message and shared it one by one,
some brothers and sisters who had the burden also gave some strength word and testimonies,
all the saints were touched by God’s Speaking. It changed our mind in Dealing with the Lord, we
should open ourselves to the Lord, and eating Him every day. In the dinner time, we encouraged
the saints to blend with other families in their same ages, we divided them into four groups: the
aged brothers, the aged sisters, the young brothers, and the young sisters. It is really a wonderful
blending, and saints enjoyed it very much, through the fellowship we decided to continue this
blending once each month, May the Lord build us together, and stir up each one’s function
through these blending, Praise the Lord! Eating the Lord is the Way!
Last month we also were invited to one Pentecost church for sharing the Word of God, the
saints here were very open to the truth of God. We also started the Young people’s Bible
Reading and the Children’s Meeting, hope the Lord will gain them from their youth. May the Lord
have a strong testimony here!