2015 French Speaking Conference in Paris, France

Before the conference we had a lot of pray-er. The saints in Paris were in one accord to participate in different service groups for the preparation of the glorious conference. We really felt that a royal priesthood was being raised up gradually.

In the conference we greatly enjoyed the Lord’s blessing. Over 400 saints registered for the conference, and at least 330 attended in any given meeting. Nearly 100 of the attendees came from French cities outside of Île-de-France, including Amiens, Behren-lès-Forbach, Bordeaux, Dieppe, Grenoble, Guadeloupe, Le Mans, La Rochelle, Lille, Lyon, Montpellier, Nancy, Reims, Toulouse, and Vichy; and nearly 100 visited from other countries, including the Ivory Coast, Belgium, Switzerland, the UK, the US, Canada, Singapore, and Africa. 160 attendees were from Paris and other cities in Île-de-France. At least 45 of the attendees were native French new ones who attended this conference for the first time.

The ministry was from the messages of the recent Chinese-speaking conference in Taiwan, with the subject of “The Main Contents of the Lord’s Recovery.” This was a timely word for all who attended, both new and old. We are all touched by the unchanging nature of the Lord’s recovery. The nature and content of the Lord’s recovery is Christ as life, the ground of the Lord’s recovery is oneness, and the constitution of the Lord’s recovery is truth. Even those who had enjoyed the messages in Taiwan testified that they received more light and revelation by hearing them for a second time.

The atmosphere was marvelous—full of joy. The speaking was very touching, and the response from the saints was overwhelming. In order to let all the saints share after the messages, we had to limit the time for each one to 30 seconds for most of the meetings.

In addition, we had a young people’s meeting on Saturday afternoon with approximately 50 attendees who were under 25 years old. They enjoyed an encouraging word concerning preaching the gospel to their classmates and friends.

Many of the newer French saints were first contacted through the literature work either directly or indirectly. Some Bibles for Europe contacts attended the conference. A good number of these were genuinely touched by the content of the messages. A vision of the Lord’s recovery is crucial for so many new ones, even those who have been saved for a number of years. Please pray that the Lord will continue to sow the seed of the ministry publications and the Recovery Version so that the
Francophone world can be “filled with the knowledge of Jehovah / As water covers the sea” (Isa. 11:9).

In a time of fellowship with brothers from all over the Francophone world, the visiting brothers encouraged us to get into the truth in the Word and the ministry in a regular way,and all the brothers would like to respond to this calling. We also want to encourage the saints in the Francophone world to consider attending the one week training held in Bower House.

May the Lord expand the vision of His recovery throughout Europe and cause us all to love, appreciate, and even preach His word and ministry.

In Him,
The serving ones in the church in Paris

Praise the Lord for the saints and new ones coming together from the French-speaking countries in Europe to enjoy the yearly feast in Paris, France! The topic was, The Main Contents of the Lord’s Recovery (Le Contenu Principal du Recouvrement du Seigneur)

Fred Fok's photo.

Yearly French-speaking Conference, April 25-26, 2015, Paris, France