The Lord’s Move in Haiti—a French-speaking country

The Lord’s Move in France

  • Pray that the Lord will continue to sow the seed of the ministry publications and the Recovery Version so that the Franco-phone world can be “filled with the knowledge of Jehovah / As water covers the sea” (Isa. 11:9).
  • Pray that the recently contacted native French speaking saints would receive a vision of the Lord’s recovery and be brought into the enjoyment of Christ and the church life in France.

The Lord’s Move in Haiti—a French-speaking country

Recently had fellow-ship with saints from Haiti who have recently touched the ministry of the age and are hungry for the riches of Christ dispensed through the ministry.

  • Pray for the Lord’s move in Haiti that a door for the word of God’s New Testament economy would be opened to this country and many in Haiti would be enlightened to see the economy of the mystery and be brought under the divine dispensing for the practical Body life and the Lord’s testimony in that country.