Day weekend, September 4-7, 2015. The general subject of the conference is the gospel to all
the nations (Matt. 24:14) with a specific focus being to gain African-American and African
peoples for the Lord’s testimony. The location of the conference will be the Fairchild Building
on the campus of Texas Southern University.
This burden has been with a number of saints and co-workers in the Lord’s recovery for many
years and has led to much prayer. In fellowship with the co-workers, we felt the Lord’s
leading to take this step of coming together for a conference to fellowship this burden and to
labor among the African-American community (including Africans from various countries).
The current number of saints of African descent meeting in the churches in the Lord’s
recovery in North America is still quite low, when compared to the number in the general
population. Though it seems that this burden is a matter of race, in fact, it is a matter of
ratio. Our burden is to find a way to contact and labor among the African-American
community on the college campuses. This labor would include those universities which have
been historically Black (HBCU’s) or African-American in composition. We pray that the Lord
would gain many students on the campuses and communities throughout the United States
and Canada for His Body. Ultimately, the goal of our labor is to present every man full-grown
in Christ as functioning members of the Body of Christ and as parts of the one new man,
“where there cannot be Jew or Greek, circumcision and uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian,
slave, free man, but Christ is all and in all” (Col. 3:10).
In order to carry out this burden, we felt that an initial conference would be helpful in the
following four matters: 1) gathering the saints who have a burden in this direction for prayer,
coordination, and fellowship, 2) preaching the gospel of the kingdom to the nations, 3) being
refreshed in the vision of Christ and the church, and 4) being encouraged in the practice of
the God-ordained way.
The location of the conference is the Fairchild Building on the Texas Southern University
campus in Houston, Texas on Friday and Saturday. On the Lord’s Day, the conference venue
will change to the meeting hall of the church in Houston, 6355 Windswept, Texas 77057. The
date for the conference is Labor Day weekend, September 4-7, 2015.
Saints who are burdened to come are encouraged to register at the website of Topstone Books
(, a non-profit entity for the distribution of the ministry of Brother
Watchman Nee and Brother Witness Lee, and the southeast distributor of Bibles for America.
May the Lord fulfill His word in Matthew 16:18: “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and
upon this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.”
In His recovery,