The church in Chicago recently ordered a large number of BfA gospel tracts, product offer cards, Bibles, and books as part of a burden to practice more regular gospel outreach. Each week, the saints spend an hour to exercise the priesthood of the gospel by speaking to people in the community and sharing the free materials with them.[/description][pb_list][pb]Please pray that the Lord would grace the saints and sustain them as they go forth each week. [/pb][pb]Pray also that the Spirit would prepare many people’s hearts to receive the free materials and to be open to the speaking of the saints.[/pb][pb]May the Lord bless the church in Chicago and may He continue to bring all the churches in the US into the priesthood of the gospel!
Chicago Bibles and Books
The church in Chicago sponsorsChicago Bibles and Books, which features the best in Bibles and Christian Literature. It is located at 3931 W. Irving Park in Chicago.