A Farewell Letter to the Blending Co-workers in the Lord’s
Recovery, before Returning to Taiwan in 2010, after 30 Years of
Service in the Philippines
Dear Brother Benson [Phillips], Brother Andrew [Yu], Brother Paul [Wu]
and all the Blending Co-workers in the Lord’s Recovery,
When I was saved in my early years in China, I consecrated my whole
life to the Lord, and was called by the Lord: “You therefore, my child, be
empowered in the grace which is in Christ Jesus; … suffer evil with me
as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier entangles
himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please the one who
enlisted him.” (2 Tim. 2:1, 3-4)
One who serves as a soldier only knows how to obey, absolutely
following orders; not taking his own way, not speaking his own words,
not doing his own work; closely following the footsteps of the apostles,
the New Testament ministry, and walking according to the pattern of the
two leading brothers, Bro. Nee and Bro. Lee; not fearing hardships, not
caring for dear life, only living and working by fully trusting in the Lord.
The Lord’s work in the Philippines began in 1930 with Bro. Nee,
continued by Bro. Lee in the 1950’s until he went to the U.S. to carry out
the Lord’s ministry, only returning in the late 1980’s because of his great
concern for the situation here. Aside from this, brothers W. C. Chang, K.
H. Weigh, Suey Liu, and K. S. Hwong and sister Hwong, as well as other
co-workers, had come to the Philippines at one time or another to render
help to the work.
In 1979, I was sent by the brothers in Taipei to move from Taiwan to the
Philippines, first to Mindanao, and later to Luzon. At that time, there
were only seven churches in the northern part of the Philippines and the
saints meeting in these churches were mostly Chinese, using the Chinese
language. After three years of prayer and patient waiting, the propagation
of the church had a breakthrough and the work spread among the
Pilipino-speaking saints. The one accord of the brothers and sisters, by
means of the work of faith, the labor of love, and the endurance of hope,
brought a steady increase in number to the church. By May of 2009, the
number of churches in Regions I to VI of the Philippines had reached
more than 600.
In 1984, Bro. Lee came to the Philippines and personally charged me, on
account of the spiritual future and propagation of the churches of the
Philippines, to pay attention to training. I immediately accepted what was
entrusted to me and began to carry it out. Thank the Lord that since then,
thousands of trainees have been trained and have returned to their
respective localities. A majority of them have been able to gain people
and land for the Lord in the propagation of the gospel, positively
coordinating and serving in the practice of the God-ordained way, as well
as infusing new blood into the co-workers and serving saints for the sake
of churches, genuinely bearing the same yoke for the sake of the Lord’s
interests, in order for the Lord to continue His propagation and increase
in the churches here, growing and multiplying without end.
When I first came to the Philippines more than 30 years ago, some people
took me to the Chinese Cemetery for a tour. Nevertheless, the Lord
ordained life to come out of death and He has brought me over from the
loneliest circumstances, the weariest wilderness, and the most difficult
road. Today, the churches in many localities abroad have come to blend,
with batch after batch of visiting saints constantly arriving, but they do
not go to view the cemetery anymore; instead, they come to see the
resurrected Christ and the glorious church expressed in each locality.
In the Lord’s recovery, I am but a little soldier, and my determination is
that I would rather die on the battlefield, than die on the sickbed. On earth
I labor for the Lord diligently; I leave as a sacrifice to Him fragrantly.
However, I am already more than ninety years of age and Sister Liu has
gone ahead of me to be with the Lord a few years ago. Although my sons
and daughter in Taiwan have occasionally come to visit, after much
seeking and fellowship, it has been decided that I retreat from the front
line to the rear, and henceforth do less outwardly, pray more inwardly,
continue to function in the ministry, until I meet the Lord.
On the 29th of this month, I will be returning to Taiwan with my children
to live with them. I present this particular fellowship to all the beloved
brothers who for many years have been blending, working, and serving
together as fellow soldiers in the Lord. My physical strength is not what it
used to be, but I want to say what John had said: “He must increase, but I
must decrease.” My outward man is like the time of sunset in the west,
but my view of the Lord’s recovery is like the time of sunrise in the east,
glory upon glory. May God continue to bestow grace upon all His
churches and bless His recovery throughout the all the earth. May the
Bride be prepared soon to welcome the Lord’s return!
May the grace of the Lord be with you all!
Your brother, Liu Chi Cheng
March 26, 2010 – in Malabon
Farewell Letter to the Churches of the Philippines, after 30 years of
service, written in 2010 before returning to Taiwan
Dear co-workers, elders, and brothers and sisters of the churches of the
In my earlier years, the Lord called me: “Suffer evil with me as a good
soldier of Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier entangles himself with
the affairs of this life, that he may please the one who enlisted him.” (2
Tim. 2:3-4) In 1979, the Lord led me and Sister Liu to leave our country
and people, to come to the Philippines and serve the churches. It has been
more than 30 years now.
I thank my God upon all my remembrance of you, for your fellowship
unto the furtherance of the gospel from the first day until now, for the
building up of the church, with no fear of suffering, no fear of hardship,
no fear of poverty, no fund-raising, no fear of death, no love for the soul-
life. Furthermore, in one spirit, with one soul, one in prayer, co-working,
co-laboring, co-building, we have raised up about 600 churches in Luzon,
evidencing the Lord’s word in Joshua 1:3, “Every place on which the sole
of your foot treads I have given to you…”
Although on the battlefield I had been injured repeatedly, and had even
suffered serious illness, through your petition and the bountiful supply of
the Spirit of Jesus Christ, I had been able to go straight forward and move
on. In the years before and after Sister Liu was taken by the Lord, the
churches rendered their wholehearted service and support in love, for
which the deepest gratitude is expressed here in total. May the Lord
Himself recompense you in that day.
I have lived and served in the church for many years, and the “Gleaned
Writings” that I had received and compiled from the ministry I would like
to give back to the churches. Under the three principles of not mentioning
my personal name, not commenting on other brothers and sisters, and
completely for the advance of the church, you are most welcome to read
and use them for reference. May the Lord cause His children to benefit
from them.
In the Body of Christ, we are individually members of one another and
according to the gifts that we have received, we function organically. Be
watchful in spirit, not giving any ground to the evil one, and do not allow
any reason or dissent to lead to division; every person must pass through
the cross, and by the sevenfold intensified Spirit, supply Christ for the
Beloved brothers and sisters, I came to the Philippines by faith and love. I
will most gladly spend and be utterly spent on your behalf (2 Cor. 12:15).
I desired to remain with you until the day of rapture. Nonetheless, at my
advanced age, I no longer have the physical strength of earlier years.
Besides, Sister Liu has gone ahead of me to be with the Lord and my
children could not conveniently come on a regular basis to provide care.
After much seeking and fellowship, it was decided that I move back to
Taiwan to live with my family. Henceforth, I will not be physically
present, but my spirit is always with you. May we always remember one
another at the throne of grace, and I will be your support with my prayers.
May the Lord bless all His churches.
Hudson Taylor, a missionary who went to China in the nineteenth century
once said: “If I had a thousand pounds, China should have it – if I had a
thousand lives, China should have them.” Toward the Philippines, I also
have the same aspiration and feeling.
Let us live in the inseparable love of Christ and remain in the unique
fellowship of the Body of Christ. May we endeavor to keep the oneness
of the Spirit, continue steadfastly in running the heavenly race, until the
time when Christ is manifested, and we will be manifested with Him in
May the grace of the Lord overflow!
Your brother, Liu Chi Cheng
March 10, 2010 in Malabon