One week English perfecting for Chinese – speaking coworkers and leading brothers

English Intensive Training Report

Br. Lee said: “we are sure to receive higher education. During the education we learn languages,

especially English. It is an international language. We must learn it thoroughly. Furthermore, at

least we should learn one more foreign language. In a word, beside Chinese, we need to be quite

at home with two foreign languages. The more knowledge of literature, the more learning of

language, the better; we owe to the Lord to get the highest attainment in a language that we can.”

Thus, brother’s inherited the burden of Br. Lee and started to hold English Intensive Training

since 2014. The training of 2015 was held from 3/30~4/4 in Anaheim. The main characteristics

of the training are 1 Self-learning; 2 Situational learning; 3 Distance learning; 4 Lifelong

learning; 5 Applicable to other languages.

In the beginning of the training, brother introduced to us. There is a treasure

chest of English learning. We find some video clips of learning English and resource of English

self-learning there. The highlight of the video is how to avoid Chinese accent and Taiwanese by

for tones of Chinese alphabet. Besides, brother introduced ten more Apps for English self-

learning including dictionaries, English spiritual material and grammar check.

There are four teachers in the training, two are Chinese speaking saints and the others are

English speaking saints. After introducing Apps, trainees started their preparation time. Trainees

prepared one ITERO message per day and used resources and Apps for their preparing in

afternoon and evening. They could write draft, ask teachers and practice.

The morning times are practicing time. Brother’s need release one message in 20 minutes

including opening word, go through outline, share some points and burden saints. We also

practice 10 minutes sharing without reading our notes like we usually do in a small group

meeting. In the practicing time, teachers send us Line message to correct our pronunciations or

grammar problems or give us suggestions so that we can keep practicing even after the training.

After practicing a week, all trainees has overcome the fear of speaking to public. Lots of them

have improved a lot and turn their Chinese and Taiwanese to American accent. During the week,

some brothers also came and encourage us. Brother Andrew Yu’s sharing could be the best

conclusion of this report. He told about three points: 1. English is an international language. He

is not sure the training work or not but do something is better than do nothing. 2. When Chinese

prophesy, their pronunciation or grammar errors might cause distraction. In private situation,

Chinese like to impressed others or be dramatic. All of these cause distraction. The burden of the

training is trying to eliminate as much as possible all the distracted factors so that people can

hear what we are talking. They can here the message. They can here the content what we want to

say. 3. Brother Lee was a learner. He hopes all brothers and sisters study hard, too.

Thus, we should keep learning and be able to use bilingual to fellowship with saints for issuing

the reality of the body of Christ in order to welcome Lord’s coming back.