Second report on the situation in Nepal – May 7th, 2015

Second report on the situation in Nepal – May 7th, 2015
Dear all,
We visited the churches in Nepal from 4th to 7th May. We handed US$10,000 to the
local responsible brothers for the relief work in Nepal. The following is our report
based on our observation and fellowship with the saints there.
General Situation:
The earthquake brought huge losses of lives, damages to numerous buildings and
few villages were completely wiped out. Up till now (7th May), there are 7,736 deaths
and 15,908 injured in the entire country. In Kathmandu, 1,698 people had died and
1,209 injured. The extent of the damage depends on the areas. Areas with older
houses suffered the most serious damage. For example, Bharpak village was in the
first epicenter; there were 130 houses before the earthquake and after the
earthquake, only 4 houses remained. Rescue teams from different countries have
reached most of the places. People have started to receive daily necessities from
these teams. The local price of basic items remains stable. Regarding the saints in
the church life, we praise and thank the Lord that He preserved all the saints in
Nepal including their property. There has been very little damage to the saints.
Church in Kathmandu:
In the morning of 25thApril, most of the saints were gathered together in the meeting
hall for the Lord’s Table meeting. While the saints were prophesying, the earthquake
happened. All the saints called upon the Lord’s name for a moment. After the first
quake stopped, they ran away from the building. When they reached home and
contacted each other, they realized that all the saints and their family members
were safe. Only one sister’s rented house was completely destroyed and now in
rubbles. Her husband was in the house and fled away just moments before the
building fully collapsed. Now they are staying together with their relatives.
The saints realized that the Lord preserved them for His purpose to be fulfilled in
Nepal. After the earthquake, the saints are more burdened to pursue to the truth,
pray and preach the gospel. They have freshly received commission from the Lord to
propagate the country of Nepal. On May 2nd there was a blending meeting with 55
saints from two localities.
At the meeting with the saints in Kathmandu on May 5th, we were encouraged by
their testimonies, their renewed consecration. They also have much prayers and a
stronger desire to be blended into one accord in these days. Saints are having joy in
their spirits and they become a testimony among their neighbors in contrast to the
gloomy atmosphere throughout the entire country. Praise the Lord for a new
beginning among the saints.
The church in Maidi:
We travelled to Maidi on May 6th. This village is close to the first epicenter, Bharpak
village. But the Lord preserved all the saints there. Some houses are damaged to
different extents because they were made with stones and mud mixture. They
started to live in the tents. The government and rescue teams have already reached
their village and provided them with materials, including daily necessities, tents and
sheets for their temporary living. We need to pray for them that before the raining
season starts, they should have basic living places. Saints in Kathmandu will go and
help them in these matters. The meeting hall is damaged. We are not sure of the
safety of the building. The local brothers are considering whether to consult a
structural engineer on the safety of the building.
Saints in Phokara:
All the saints are fine there. The damage is relatively minor in comparison to other
In fellowship with serving ones there, we realized that saints are greatly encouraged
by the prayer of the saints in the Lord’s recovery. Outwardly the Nepalese are still in
fear, scary and gloomy. They have not been delivered from horror. Even thefts have
increased. Some thieves are creating rumors that earthquake may come again and
they use this opportunity to steal. Overall the entire Nepal is in agony. Saints have
stronger realization that this is the time for the gospel. We need to pray for the
Lord’s intensified move in Nepal.
The brothers here also express the burden of gospel preaching and distribution of
literatures (Rhema). They hope that once the material is ready, many saints will
come and propagate with them in the sweet coordination of the Body. Please pray
much for this.
In Him,
IN and JM