Visiting the saints in Kathmandu and Maidi, Nepal

Report from the 2 co-workers from India. They are currently visiting the saints in Kathmandu and Maidi. Please continue to pray for them.

To all the saints in the Lord’s Recovery,

The following is a report from 2 Indian co-workers on the situation in Nepal.

Dear brothers,

This morning (May 4) our flight landed on time and we were able to meet a brother

from Seoul at the airport. He had been in Nepal since April 27 and left at the time of

our arrival. We noticed many Christian missionaries, on the same flight with us,

arriving with lots of medical supplies and other materials for Nepal. Their intention is

to spread the gospel.

Brother Bright, a brother serving in Nepal, came to pick us up and was extremely

happy to see us. In the morning he took us to a few places where there were serious

damages. The situation is very gloomy here. Some buildings are still in unstable

conditions. They may fall any time. There are over 3800 foreign rescuers working in

Nepal right now. Indian, Chinese, Korean, American and European Army personnels

are also in the rescue work.

All the saints in Nepal are fine. During the earthquake all the saints were at the

Lord’s Table meeting. They were preserved by the Lord in the meeting hall. Their

meeting place suffered no damage. A sister’s rented house of six stories had

completely collapsed. By the Lord’s mercy the Lord preserved her entire family.

In the evening, we went to the meeting hall to see the brothers who serve in the

translation work. They testified how the Lord’s hand preserved them for the

testimony in Nepal. Kathmandu had 2.6 million people and around 1 million have

fled away from Kathmandu. The streets are not crowded as before and traffic is very

smooth. By 7pm all the stores are closed and there are not many people on the


Tomorrow we will stay in Kathmandu to meet the rest of the saints. We will also buy

food, provisions and water for the saints in Maidi. Early Wednesday morning, we will

drive to Maidi to supply the saints with material things and comfort them in the


There are still tremors in Kathmandu. At 4am this morning, there was a 5.6

magnitude quake. In the evening at 5:12pm, we still felt mild tremors.

Water is dirty and there are epidemic disease outbreaks. All the people walk around

with facial mask on their faces.

We both enjoy being with the saints in Nepal. They realized that many saints in the

recovery are praying for them. They were touched by the reality of the Body in such

a real and practical way. They have also renewed their consecration in a fresh way to live to the Lord for His purpose until He returns.

Please inform the churches in your area that they can send gifts for earthquake relief to the Church in Cerritos according to the following instructions:

Checks can be written to The Church in Cerritos and mailed to the church’s address at:

12061 Del Amo Blvd.
Cerritos, CA 90703

Wire transfers can be sent to the church using the business address given above and the following:

Bank information:
BR. #691
410 Los Cerritos Center
Cerritos, CA 90703

Bank account #: 7224002951
Routing #: 322271724
Swift code: CITIUS33

Church Telephone: +1-562-924-9081