Please pray for Napel’s recovery after the earthquake

Dear saints,

We would like to inform you that all the local saints in Nepal are safe after the massive earthquake on April 25 that took over 5,000 lives. A sister’s house in Kathmandu and 6-7 houses of the saints in Maidi were damaged, but overall the saints are fine.

However, there was a Chinese brother who lost his life in this earthquake. He was saved in 2012 while studying in Hong Kong. He then went to Japan for work and was on vacation in Kathmandu when the earthquake hit. Please remember his relatives and friends in your prayer that they would be comforted and saved.

The current urgent need for the saints in Nepal are food and water. Two co-workers from India will be traveling to Kathmandu to coordinate with the local brothers on relief efforts. They will bring cash, food and water supplies into Nepal. The banks in Nepal are not operating at the moment. Therefore offering to this relief effort has to be through banks outside of Nepal. For those saints who want to offer, please send your offering to the following account and state the purpose as “Relief for Nepal Earthquake”:

Beneficiary’s Name

The Church in Taipei

Beneficiary’s Account Number


Beneficiary’s Address

5F-1, Xinji Building, 460 Xinji Road, Sec.4 Taipei 110, Taiwan, R.O.C

Bank Name

Cathay United Bank- World Trade Center Branch

Bank Address

456, Xinji Road, Sec.4, Taipei 110, Taiwan, R.O.C

Bank Code (SWIFT)



(02) 2757-5758

Please pray for the country’s recovery after the earthquake and for people’s hearts to be open to the gospel at this time of trial. Also may we pray that the local saints would grasp the opportunity to boldly preach Christ as the Prince of Peace and lead many to salvation.

Currently there are about 170 saints meeting in 3 cities in Nepal: Kathmandu, Maidi, and Pokhara. Three Rhema booklets in Nepalese for free distribution are almost ready for print. May the Lord use these booklets to reach many seekers all over Nepal.

Jesus is Lord in Nepal!

The LMA Office

The church in Cerritos, CA, has graciously offered to coordinate the receiving and disbursing of funds for Nepal Earthquake relief through donations given by churches and saints in the USA and Canada. Donations designed “for Nepal earthquake relief” can be sent to the Church in Cerritos, CA.

Checks can be written to The Church in Cerritos and mailed to the church’s address at:

12061 Del Amo Blvd.
Cerritos, CA  90703

Wire transfers can be sent to the church using the business address given above and the following:

Bank information:
BR. #691
410 Los Cerritos Center
Cerritos, CA 90703

Bank account #: 7224002951
Routing #: 322271724

Church Telephone: +1-562-924-9081

Please inform the churches and the saints in your area about this opportunity.

April 30, 2015











Beneficiary’s Name

The Church in Taipei

Beneficiary’s Account Number


Beneficiary’s Address

5F-1, Xinji Building, 460 Xinji Road, Sec.4 Taipei 110, Taiwan, R.O.C

Bank Name

Cathay United Bank- World Trade Center Branch

Bank Address

456, Xinji Road, Sec.4, Taipei 110, Taiwan, R.O.C

Bank Code (SWIFT)



(02) 2757-5758


Relief for Nepal Earthquake




Many saints are concerned about the safety of the saints in Nepal after the major earthquake. All the saints in Nepal are safe, but some houses were indeed damaged. Please pray for the recovery after the earthquake and for people’s hearts to be open to the kingdom gospel at this time. Also pray that the saints would grasp the opportunity to preach Christ as the Prince of Peace and lead many to salvation.

Jesus is Lord!

(Currently there are saints in 3 cities: Kathmandu, Maidi, Pokhara)



(尼泊爾的聖徒目前集中在三個城市:加德滿都,邁迪,波卡拉)  via LMA’s FB

Dear saints – I wanted to share a short report from the brothers in India and Nepal about the situation in Nepal following the earthquake. The basic summary is:
·         All the saints are fine, though there was damage to some of their houses and to the meeting hall in Maidi, a village in the foothills of the Himalayas about 8 hours travel from Kathmandu.
·         The coworkers in India are sending two brothers right away to Nepal to coordinate with brother Yang there, and there will likely be more coworkers going.
·         There may be a fund formed at some point for relief donations, and if so, I am sure there will be an announcement made to the churches with instructions.
I would add that the first three small booklets Rhema distributes for free – Basic Elements of the Christian Life volumes 1-3 – are almost ready for printing in Nepali. So may the Lord use this situation to open many in this primarily Hindu nation to the gospel. Over 80% of the population is Hindu, and less than 1.5% of the population is Christian
1. 除了聖徒的房屋,和在Maidi的聚會場地有一些損害之外,所有的聖徒都很好。(Maidi位在喜馬拉雅山山腳下,是距離加德滿都約八小時車程的一個村莊。)
2. 在印度的同工立刻派了兩位弟兄來尼泊爾和B弟兄配搭,看來會有更多的同工來這裏協助。
3. 我們很有可能會成立救災捐款的基金,屆時必會向眾召會發出正式的公告並說明捐款的方式。



