Greetings from Thessaloniki! For the last several months we have been meeting almost every day with our contacts and feel that the Lord is making progress in each one of them. We believe that several of them now have at least one foot in the recovery and are on the brink of making the final step. We hope that with the upcoming conference that will be held here from 29-31 of May will be the tipping point with some, if not all of them. With this in view we would ask that you consider praying for the following matters: All the dear ones we have been contacting here would be able to attend every meeting. Our experience with other smaller situations has been that when there is a larger gathering of the saints, there is much encouragement and further revelation for those who have not been able to participate in a meeting larger than in our living rooms. That saints from throughout the recovery will attend to support, supply, and manifest the fullness of the One who fills all in all in a conference atmosphere. The saints from the surrounding countries who are also in smaller, isolated situations would also be able to attend for the mutual support and blending together. That every need and practical detail concerning travel, preparation, etc. of the conference would be under the Lord’s anointing for His purpose and benefit during this time. We’re very thankful for all that the Lord has done, is doing, and will do here for His move through your prayers. We can’t imagine what it would be like here without them. Thank you for standing with us! May the Lord richly bless you all! The serving ones in Thessaloniki
Conference in Switzerl […]
Help Needed from the C […]
2019-03-30 to 2019-03- […]
Source: https://www.fa […]