LMA newsletter – April 2015

One highlight of the Cambodian saints’ experiences lately is a breakthrough in the community gospel in Phnom Penh. The Propagation Perfecting Training also officially began this year with many young people giving themselves to be trained. How marvelous!

In Bangladesh, despite political chaos and instability, even in the midst of car bombing incidents, strikes and class suspensions, the saints enjoyed peace and rest by remaining in the Lord as the Prince of Peace and boldly proclaimed the gospel. The white horse is indeed running in this troubled land.

Several churches have been raised up in India since the beginning of this year, including the church in Jalandhar on January 25 and the church in Mual Cheng on February 15. May the Lord strengthen and shepherd these young churches that they would stand firm as the testimony of Jesus.

To read and download the April issue of the LMA newsletter, please go tohttp://lmasia.org/temp/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/E-2015-04.pdf