Lord has answered the prayer, UK radio Premier’s license has been renewed

Premier Radio, which broadcasts the Life-study of the Bible radio program in the UK, was facing the possibility of losing its license. The Lord has answered the prayer of many churches and saints, and Premier’s license has been renewed until 2028. Praise our ascended Lord, who has given His recovery “an opened door which no one can shut” (Rev. 3:8)! Please continue to pray for the UK radio broadcast and for the shepherding of all the seeking listeners. If you are burdened to give to support the radio broadcast, you can do so through the LME website at lordsmove.org/ukradio or by contacting Amana Trust in the UK through email at info@amanatrust.org.uk to request instructions. Please designate all gifts for “UK radio work.”

  • Please continue to pray for the UK radio broadcast and for the shepherding of all the seeking listeners.