International Conference in London 國際相調特會(4 月 3 日至 5日)

After a wonderful European Brothers Training at Bower House, this weekend there’s the International Conference in London with over 1000 saints from all over Europe and the UK, enjoying Crystals in the Book of Exodus.

Lord, release Your up-to-date and much needed speaking in this time. Use this conference to blend Your Body together! Oh Lord Jesus, strengthen Your move in Europe!

1. 在倫敦舉行的歐洲兄弟訓練(3 月31 日至 4 月 2 日)和國際相調特會(4 月 3 日至 5日) 。
2. 在希臘帖撒羅尼加的特會(5 月 29 日至 31 日),
求主恢復衪在這個城市見證,並釋放在 那裏全時間服事
的夫婦的居留證。 (關於歐洲特會和禱告項目的詳情,請