Suggesting University Libraries in USA to Purchase the Ministry Books

Back in fall of 2012, a brother who was a student at Duke University
suggested his university library to purchase books published by Living
Stream Ministry through the library’s “Suggest a Purchase” service.
Dear all,

There’s service called “suggest a purchase”
( in the library. I simply sent them
[the information of] the books I’m interested in and they bought it for me.
I guess other universities should have similar service.

This is the library’s response to his suggestion:

We have received your purchase suggestion. If approved, requested titles are
usually available within 3-4 weeks.  You will receive further information
once a decision has been made about this request. Please reply to this
message with questions or additional information regarding this request.
Thank you,

Collection Development, Perkins Library System
Duke University

This is the content of his suggestion:

Request information:
Title: Life-Study of Matthew
Author/Editor: Witness Lee
Format: Print
ISBN Number: 0736303324
Additional Information:

Many university libraries throughout the U.S. have similar “suggest a
purchase” services. We may encourage the saints who are college students to
use this avenue to suggest their university libraries to purchase The Holy
Bible Recovery Version, The Life Studies of the Bible, The Conclusion of the
New Testament, The Collected Works of Watchman Nee, etc. For libraries with
a Chinese section, the students can also suggest them to purchase the
ministry books in Chinese.

May the Lord bless His word in the recovery,