2015 South-Central Faculty/Staff Forum Announcement

You are cordially invited to participate in a weekend forum with other believers in the Lord’s recovery who are engaged in professions and pursuits carried out at college and university
campuses and related research institutions, including professors, instructors, post-doctoral and staff positions, and graduate students (especially those who are open to pursuing future careers in
academia). Our workshops and fellowship will focus on the practical church life for university faculty/staff and the gospel on campus. We look forward to you joining us in this gathering.

Dates/Times: May 8, 6:30pm – May 10, 12:00pm
Location: The church in Houston meeting hall

Participants: Saints who are university faculty/staff or graduate students
We believers in Christ live ordinary lives within society at large, but we are not the same as
secular people. If we are normal and proper, we are both the salt of the earth and the light of the
world (Matt. 5:13-14). Our walk as the salt of the earth eliminates many poisonous elements that
corrupt people in society. Our being the light of the world enlightens many darkened corners in
people’s hearts. Saints in the Lord’s recovery work at all levels and in diverse professions and
occupations. All have opportunities to impact the people around them through the testimony of
their living and through the sharing of the gospel, and all face challenges, some that are common
and others that are particular to their profession.
For many years, first in Taiwan and also recently in the United States (2012 Raleigh, NC, 2013
Chicago, IL, and 2014 Cambridge MA), such forums have been conducted for the purpose of the
blending, fellowship, and building up of saints in the academic community. Many past
participants at various stages in their career and under the heavy demands of work and family
have benefitted from the practical help shared by those more advanced in their life experiences.
Participants have also found that the Lord was able to use such times for mutual encouragement, both of saints who are younger in the Lord and of those who are more mature in their Christian life and experience.
Below are some of the proposed topics for the workshops and fellowship:
 Dealing with all kinds of relationships (family, students, colleagues, etc.)
 Managing our time to balance work, teaching, research, family, church life, gospel,shepherding, etc.
 Preaching the gospel (to students, faculty and colleagues)
 Going on in the church life and in corporate living (in a large or small church, or a place where there is only a group of saints but no church)
 Progressing spiritually (in truth and life).
As university faculty/staff with very busy schedules, we treasure opportunities when we can meet, discuss, fellowship, and pray with one another. We desire to go on in a normal Christian life and church life as living and functioning members of the Body of Christ. Hence, we believe that through this kind of workshop, fellowship, perfecting, and learning from one another, our vision and burden will be strengthened to better cooperate with the Lord for His move on earth.
Therefore, we hope that you will set apart this particular weekend to join this gathering and also invite other saints who are faculty/staff to come. If you have any suggestions for this gathering or want to propose any additional topics for discussion, please let us know promptly for our consideration in preparation. Further registration details will be provided separately.
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with your spirit!
On behalf of the mainland scholars’ work and in coordination with the responsible brothers in the church in Houston