印度米佐拉姆邦的Mual Cheng召會於2/15成立

Praise the Lord! A new golden lampstand was raised up in Mual Cheng, Mizoram India on 2/15. Two years ago, a group of saints from a Presbyterian denomination in Mual Cheng were convicted by the Spirit to leave their denomination and began meeting in the homes. Later on they received some ministry books and were helped to see the ground of the church. Through the shepherding of the saints in nearby churches, the saints in Mual Cheng were solidified and about 20 local saints and 15 saints from other localities were gathered together on 2/15 for the first Lord’s Table meeting of the church in Mual Cheng. Glory to God!

讚美主!印度米佐拉姆邦的Mual Cheng召會於2/15成立。兩年前,當地一處長老教會中一部分聖徒受到聖靈的催促,離開公會開始於家中聚會。不久後取得一些職事書報,受幫助看見召會的立場。藉由附近召會之聖徒的牧養,這些弟兄姊妹漸漸被穩固。2/15有20位本地聖徒及15位其它處召會的聖徒聚集一起,有了Mual Cheng召會的第一次擘餅聚會。榮耀歸神!