Jaffna Propagation Report-
Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved
On January 31st Bro. Samuel (a college student,19years old) went to India FTTND for the short term training(5 months), his training started at 2nd Feb, until 23rd June. May the Lord gain this young people, let the training pass through him so that he can see the vision of the economy of God, being trained and perfected in many aspects, and also he may build up a personal and intimate relationship with the Lord for the Body.
On 29th January two Taiwan brothers (Terry and Andy, fourth year university student in Kaohsiung) came to Jaffna for two weeks propagation especially on the campus. We live a corporate God-man living here. In the morning we enjoyed message concerning life and building, then in evening we went out to contact people. It is easy for young people to contact young people. we had a wonderful blending with young saints here, and Bible study meeting with the medical student too.
We really realize that the propagation is the Lord propagating Himself into us and overflowing out through us, so we need to open up to Him and let Him enlighten us to dig away all the dirt within us. One day in the morning we went to beach, and there we called upon the name of the Lord loudly to release our spirit. Beside of us there is a fisherman Jeruvan, he heard our calling and sat behind us. After we called on Lord’s name, we preached the gospel to him, and told him: “ God is spirit, you have a human spirit, and God can enter into your spirit by calling upon Him”. He followed us and called on Lord’s name. After that we told him that you need to be baptized, and water is here. Ppraise the Lord. he was joyfully baptized into Christ. Bro.Naveen is Jaffna campus student, we met his friend one day, and his friend introduced him to us us. Next day he came to our house. We shared the meaning of human life to him, then he was also joyfully baptized.
We also prayed for the household salvation in the church life. Recently one sister’s son came to the Lord’s table meeting regularly. He already got saved before but didn’t have the normal church life, through our prayer he was recovered. This sister also brought her son’s girlfriend to the Lord’s table meeting two times, on the third time she was baptized after meeting. Praise the Lord for His mercy!
On 8th one full-timer couple moved to Mannar which is about 110 km away from Jaffna. This is a newly propagating city. Right now there are 5 new ones got baptism and some open families. They have 2 home meetings with them by using the HWMR of New Believers. The major religion in Mannar is Roman Catholic. May the Lord turn the new ones back to the pure word of God, and see the vision of the economy of God by exercising spirit for Lord’s testimony in this city.
Prayer burdens:
- Pray for our spiritual growth for the building.
- Pray for 3 key persons to be gained in Jaffna university.
- Pray for the shepherding of new ones so that they can exercise the spirit to call on Lord’s name and pray-read the word.
- Pray for the lost new ones in the university so that they shall see the love of Triune God and come back to the church life.
- Pray for the practice of God’s ordained way in the church life for the increasing.