Grand Rapids – An Invitation to Lord’s Table and Weekend Conference

The saints in the Grand Rapids area are deeply appreciative for all of your prayers and fellowship over the past several years regarding the establishing of a lampstand in the city of Grand Rapids. The GTCA gospel sowing trips in the winter months of 2012 and 2013 were a practical carrying out of the Lord’s desire to establish a local church in Grand Rapids. Since the time of these gospel trips the saints in Grand Rapids have begun to meet with the view of standing on the unique ground of oneness with all the local churches to testify that there is one Body in this universe. We have also begun to take the Lord’s Table with this reality in view.

At this time the saints in Grand Rapids feel that it would be good to declare that ours is a oneness locally with all the believers and universally with all the local churches. To affirm such a standing, we warmly invite you to join us for a weekend conference and Lord’s Table meeting in Grand Rapids on March 21-22, 2015.

We thank and praise the Lord for His spreading throughout this country as many local churches are raised up! We ask in the Lord to stand with us during this time of declaration. We look forward to a rich time of blending and fellowship with you all!

On behalf of the church in Grand Rapids,

To help with the preparation for this gathering, we are asking the saints that will be coming to respond to us by Saturday, February 28 to the email address below. Please indicate the number that will be attending, including children with their ages. Children’s service will be available.

Email address for attending the conference, and conference inquiries:
