Bible distribution at Purdue University, Lafayette

February 5, 2015

Praise the Lord for what He is doing in Lafayette, Indiana. The time at Purdue University has been very encouraging. So far we have distributed 175 Bibles and seven have prayed to receive the Lord. Lately what we have been doing here, beside giving away Bibles, is having appointments with students. There have been really promising ones who are very consistent with their appointments. A student in particular received the Lord Jesus and after receiving the Lord he thanked us for saving him. He was so happy and is looking forward to having an appointment this week. He has been texting to remind us we are still meeting with him for this appointment to study the Bible. Also, through an appointment a student received the Lord and wants to join for the seminar we are having on Friday.

Moreover, a family from Bloomington who were in the church life in Belize and is related to a GTCA participant, came and spent the whole day with him. He was happy he could see not only his relative but hear that there were saints in Indianapolis. Right away they got connected with local saints and are open for saints to visit them.

Dear saints, we have felt your prayers. The work at Purdue University is very motivating. Students have come to get Bibles and asked us if they can have some for their friends and for their parents. The Lord is really feeding the people here in this part of America.

Prayer burdens:

  • For the seminars to be held on Friday and Saturday. Students will be able to attend. Please pray that the Lord will free their schedules so that they can come.
  • Please continue to pray for the distribution of the Bibles; there are very genuine students who demonstrate a seeking heart to have Bible studies and appointments.
  • Please pray for the Lord to meet the need here in Lafayette, for a family to receive a burden to migrate here in this locality.
  • Please pray for the rest of the GTCA time here in Lafayette, that the Lord will strengthen each member in the team with power into the inner man

Thank you saints for all your prayers. We realize that without your prayers we would have not made this far. We really treasure your heart for Lafayette.

Lafayette, IN
February 2
Greetings from Lafayette! Dear saints we started our next Bible distribution at Purdue University today.
So far the Lord has blessed us with 27 contacts today and distributed 72 Bibles and 369 tracts. We had
also had a students who received the Lord. Praise the Lord! The burden of the saints here in Lafayette is
to contact the students that were contacted last year. So far we have had 2 appointments with 2 students.
Moreover, dear saints thank you so much for all your prayers. Indeed the Lord has faithfully answer the
prayers. We were burden for a professor to come to the Lord’s table and praise the Lord he came to
join us. We felt that he enjoyed the meeting. After the meeting we sense a feeling of enthusiasm in him.
He was encouraging the local students to keep studying hard!
Prayer burdens:
 The saints burden is that we can contact the students from last year GTCA2014, please pray that
the Lord will strengthen their will to answer their text and a hunger to meet.
 There is a positive atmosphere toward the distribution of the free recovery version; please pray
that the Lord will cover this time here in Purdue. Satan never sleeps and he hates the work.
 We are hosting a seminar this Friday, please pray that the Lord would a way for students to join.
 Continue to pray for the Christian Students at Purdue Bible studies. The core students are very
encouraged that we are here. Prayer that the Lord will shepherd these students during this time.