2015 GTCA gospel move to Temecula, CA

February 1, 2015

Activity highlights—1/31/15:

It was very sweet that 15 saints and college students from San Diego came to blend with us. We had coordination and corporate prayer together. Then we went to the Reagan Park to hand out gospel tracts and to sing hymns together. After lunch, we went to another park, the Sport’s Park to hand out gospel tracts.
At the in-reap meeting, we shared two messages on baptism and the assurance of salvation to encourage the new ones get saved and baptized. There were five young ones who received the Lord and got baptized.

Activity highlights—2/1/15:

Lord’s day table meeting and love feast and blending with the new ones at the Sport’s Park Dinner and fellowship with the host family. After dinner, we had a wonderful time sharing our testimonies with the local saints. It was amazing to see what the Lord can do to bring people to Him. Some of the local saints are just living testimonies of the Lord. It’s very touching and encouraging to see how they consecrated to the Lord and faithfully kept their consecration throughout the years and how the Lord has been faithful to them, supplied and carried them through difficult situations. May the Lord gain more of His testimonies in Temecula!

Activity highlights—1/31/15:

It was very sweet that 15 saints and college students from San Diego came to blend with us. We had coordination and corporate prayer together. Then we went to the Reagan Park to hand out gospel tracts and to sing hymns together. After lunch, we went to another park, the Sport’s Park to hand out gospel tracts.
At the in-reap meeting, we shared two messages on baptism and the assurance of salvation to encourage the new ones get saved and baptized. There were five young ones who received the Lord and got baptized.

Activity highlights—2/1/15:

Lord’s day table meeting and love feast and blending with the new ones at the Sport’s Park Dinner and fellowship with the host family. After dinner, we had a wonderful time sharing our testimonies with the local saints. It was amazing to see what the Lord can do to bring people to Him. Some of the local saints are just living testimonies of the Lord. It’s very touching and encouraging to see how they consecrated to the Lord and faithfully kept their consecration throughout the years and how the Lord has been faithful to them, supplied and carried them through difficult situations. May the Lord gain more of His testimonies in Temecula!

Prayer burdens:

The normal growth in life for the ones who got baptized Proper follow-up with the contacts we have met Remaining fruits for the church in Temecula

The normal growth in life for the ones who got baptized Proper follow-up with the contacts we have met Remaining fruits for the church in Temecula

Temecula, CA
January 25
Statistics: 15 tracks, 15 contacted, 7 prayed
We passed out gospel and bfa tracts in the sports park this afternoon. We met two young. The boy and
the girl attend a middle school in Temecula and are classmates. We shared with them John 3:6 and led
them to know that man needs to be reborn of the Spirit, and the easiest way is to call upon the name of
the Lord from the deepest part of our being. They were so open and called upon His name with us four to
five times loudly. After calling with us they felt so happy and refreshed. We invited them to the Saturday
gospel inreaping meeting this week. We need much prayers for these two and their families. Pray for their
household salvation and their attendance of the the gospel inreaping meeting.
There were five high schoolers practicing for a school performance at the park. Four girls and one boy.
When we approached them we didn’t know how to talk to them. But we had the burden for them; we did
not want to lose these five fishes. So we felt that the Spirit’s leading was just to simply spend time with
them in a human way, to get into their situation before talking to them. We did nothing but prayed for them
in our spirit while we were watching their performance. We would applaud after every performance. After
spending time with them for around 20 minutes, they felt comfortable with us, welcomed us, and opened
to us. Finally, we got the chance to share the gospel with them during their break time. Praise the Lord!
He was working! All five of them called on the name of the Lord with us six times. After the first three
times that we called together we asked them to call from their deepest part if they really wanted to know
the Lord. Then we called three more times loudly.
Prayer burdens: