May the Lord raise up the young generation in Romania


February 4

Yesterday, the team met together to pray, fellowship, and coordinate for the time of overflow that would occur this morning. This morning, each of the 16 teams who had went out across Europe shared on the fresh impressions that we had received in our time with the saints. In the time of review that we had as a team, we were mainly impressed by the saints’ living. During our time in Romania we had opportunities to blend with the saints in Bucharest, Deva, Hunedoara, Timisoara, Resita, Arad, and Cenad. In each of the times that we had with the saints, the saints’ person impressed each one of us on the team. The saints who we spent the most time with – their attitude, their being, their person, and their living was a product of the ministry. The ministry was their living. In their all-inclusive shepherding of us, they imparted the ministry into us through their living. From our time with the saints, we are convinced concerning the church life and that this is the ministry of the age that will produce the bride of Christ. Just as each of these saints have their particular portion and capacity in the Body, each one us also has a portion in the Body. Although some of our expectations was of something grand in Europe, through the saints’ living the Lord showed us that He just needs those who will pay the price to live the normal Christian life. In the day by day experiences of staying in the dispensing, our portion as fellow members in the Body is to enjoy Christ for the Body. Although we were with the saints for 10 days, these saints had such an entrance towards us. The ministry was their living. They enjoyed Christ for the Body and now our responsibility, opportunity, and privilege is to enjoy Christ for the Body of Christ. Doamne Isuse, Te iubim! (Lord Jesus, we love You!)

Prayer Burdens:

 For the increase of the Lord’s testimony in Romania. The people of Romania are hungry for the ministry. There are still a number of Rhema contacts who have yet to be contacted. The saints continue to labor in their contacting the seeking ones through visitations and seminars. We pray that the Lord will bring the seeking ones and that they would really see the vision in the recovery and get attached to the Body life in Romania.

 For the young people in Romania. In our time in Romania, the team had a healthy exposure to see how thick the atmosphere of religion is constituted into the people. However, with the number of young people in the country, we have the way for the nature of the Lord’s recovery to continue in the next generation. We pray that the Lord will shepherd the young people through the saints that the young people will go on with the Lord and become useful vessels for Him in the future.

 For the supply to the saints in Romania within the Body. In Romania, the saints have left an imprint on our hearts that our battle is not an outward work but care for the normal growth in life day by day. In their daily activities, some saints work at a job and continue visitations for the increase of the Lord’s testimony. In their daily activities, some saints serve full time to translate the ministry into the Romanian language in order to feed those who have been deadened by religion. We pray that the saints will be supplied as the saints continue visitations and continue the translation work.

 Sister F is a sister from Albania and has been laboring with the saints in Bucharest, Romania for some time. Our sister has a desire to go the full-time training in London. However, it is significantly easier for her to go to the training if she applies for the FTTL as a citizen of the EU. Hence, she is in the process of acquiring citizenship in Romania. We pray that the Lord will release the proper documents for our sister to continue participating in the Lord’s move in Romania.