2015 GTCA gospel move to Huntsville, AL

We’ve been distributing Bibles on the University of Alabama in Huntsville campus. We have given out 167 Bibles and 48 ministry books! Our table was set up near a crosswalk, where many students pass to get to the library. Several cars stopped, rolled down their windows, and requested Bibles! Lord, bless all the seeds sown. Many of the ones we encountered already had study Bibles. Our prayer for those who received a Bible is that they would dive into the footnotes to receive the rich life ministered.

Today we had a day of joyous overflow at Calhoun Community College in Huntsville. We distributed 125 Bibles, 24 Basic Elements of the Christian Life sets, and 27 ministry books! Six prayed to receive the Lord! Praise the Lord! One student joined us in a home meeting for singing and fellowship. She enjoyed her time so much that she is joining us for breakfast tomorrow and will spend the rest of the day with us! Pray to keep her heart soft and release her family from any anxiety.

Since we’ve been here, we’ve come to realize that the Lord has prepared a specific training for us in the Bible Belt. After encountering countless Christians here, we find that we are no longer merely preaching about who Jesus is, but more importantly, that He came that we may have life! We’ve had the privilege to learn how to preach a higher gospel and how to usher them unto the realization of their soul and spirit. Although this has exposed how inadequate we are, it has been a motivating factor to dig deeper into the truth and be more constituted with His word. Lord, increase your testimony in Huntsville, Alabama!