Pray for many promising contacts in London, UK

Prayer Burdens:
To follow Bro. Ron Kangas’ speaking in 2014, please continue to pray for 50 retired couples (open homes) to migrate to Europe to become a pattern in their living and to have open homes ; this so that the young generation could inherit the cherishing, nourishing, and shepherding experiences that these couple have. Also, pray the Lord will gain 1000 students for His move in Europe.

London, UK (University of Greenwich)
New ones from Last Semester:
A master student from Slovenia: Thank you Lord Jesus!! She came with me to the U.S. in December for one week blending trip. We visited 5 localities and enjoyed being in the saints’ homes to have house to house church life. After one week blending trip, she said that her highlight was morning revival and being in home meetings. Praise the Lord!! She has been tasting the sweet and loving church life and seeing the Body!! After she came back to London, she has been attacked by enemy. Praise You, Lord. Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. By the Lord’s sovereign arrangement, she turned to the Lord and also received the Bible. She also made a decision to get baptized. Praise the Lord!! Please pray for her baptism this Monday and that the Lord would keep her fully in the church life. Also, her baptism will encourage some new ones to get baptized (British fresher and German girl)
2 Turkish freshers: Thank you Lord Jesus!! These 2 Turkish girls have been connected with one of the local saints last week and went to the first student meeting this Wednesday. They enjoyed the topic of the Body of Christ and one of them also prophesied in the meeting. After the meeting, they texted and asked when the next bible study is; and that they want to come. They even said that they want to go to college conference this March. Praise the Lord!! Thank you for this opening. Please pray that they will continue to enjoy all the fellowship and that they would be connected with students and families who are close to their homes.
Transfer student from Oman: We still continue to have a Bible study with her every Wednesday night in sister house and hopefully the British fresher and Slovakia girl and a church kid from China will be added in this Bible study. We would like to fellowship with the saints in Greenwich and bring them to have a Bible study in different saints’ home and hopefully this would encourage the saints to be more involved. Please pray that this Bible study would continue to open the Oman student that she would believe that Jesus is God and that the saints would enjoy all these students as corporate fruit.
British fresher: She continues to attend the student meeting every Thursday and few other meetings when she is available. Because of her Christian background, she is neither cold or hot. Please pray for her that her hunger would be increased. By the Lord’s timing, she would get baptized and would be fully in the church life.
Slovakia girl: She has a burden and a heart to take care of the British fresher. She also is facing difficult family and school situation. Please pray that the Lord would use this time to shepherd her and honor her heart that she would enjoy and experience in the Lord in every situation.
British fresher with Bangladesh background: Pray that her family will be open to her being released from her Muslim background and that she would be connected to the saints who are close to her home.
British student with Zambian background: She is going to graduate this summer and have been shepherded for one and a half year. Please pray that she would go to the college conference and would fully enter into the church life and that she would remain.
A church kid fresher from Mongolia: Pray that she would be covered in her moving situation and that she would be kept in the fellowship with the saints.
A student from Egypt: Pray that she would receive the Lord and would be open to Him.
A British student from Italy: She came to the first student meeting last week. Please pray that she would be released in her schedule and would continue to have a taste to come to the student meetings and would come to the appointments for fellowship.
Three Chinese graduate school students: Pray that the two of them would receive the Lord and that the proper shepherding for all of them and an appointment would be released.
A German/British new one from Cardiff: She just moved to London a month ago and has been receiving shepherding for one and half of year in Cardiff. A sister invited her to go to short term training in FTTL and she is open to go this February. Please pray for her baptism and that she would receive the revelations from the full time training.

CANARY WHARF (Young working professional fishing pond next to Greenwich)
Praise the Lord, He has been answering the prayers in this area! Beginning of this year, the Lord started to arrange all these young working professionals together to have a home meeting in the area. In these past three weeks, some of them have been bringing their co-workers to the meeting not just to enjoy the fellowship but also the fruit bearing. Please pray that the Lord would establish young working saints to have a regular home meeting on Friday night and that their schedule would be released.

A Japanese young working professional new one: She is open to go to a home meeting and she has been connected to the saints near her home last week. Please pray that she will be connected with the group meeting nearby her and enjoy the fellowship.

Thank you Lord Jesus for all the saints that participated by prayers. I can testify that your prayers move the Lord’s hand and the Lord answered many prayers by so many sovereign arrangements for new ones. I cannot express how much I appreciate your prayers. Our prayer is Come!! Lord Jesus!!

Much Grace,