Gospel move to UK – England and Wales

United Kingdom SW England and Wales
February 1
In Lord’s day morning, we had such a wonderful blending time with about 75 saints including children
from 8 different localities in Southwest United Kingdom and Cardiff. The meeting was on the first week of
Exodus training, we saw that the goal of God’s salvation, provision and revelation is for God’s building!
The saints tried to have the Southwest blending once every month. The next blending meeting would be
in Exeter. Let us pray for this time for more fellowship as a fresh supply of the saints for God’s testimony
in SW UK.
The day was so rich with the table meeting, children’s meeting, and young people’s meeting. It was
definitely a great opportunity to co-labor with the saints in different area, children’s meeting with about 11
children or young people’s meeting with about 10 young people just singing and hearing more of God’s
February 2
The trainees and some local saints were divided into three groups for: door knocking, Bible distribution
and appointments. There were about 52 doors knocked, 9 contacted, and 6 wanted further contact. Door
knocking was definitely harder here compared in Anaheim. The local Welsh people were open and
friendly but when it comes to religion and Christianity they became very closed. It’s not that they were
closed off to God but they were closed off to religion. Most of them don’t even know what being a
Christian means and who God is. They have ears to listen but they don’t have the heart to receive yet.
This entails for the need for us to preach the high truth.
In the Bible distribution, we set up the table in one of the busiest street corner across the University of
Cardiff. Forty-six tracts were passed out, 21 Bibles were distributed and 13 wanted further contact. The
people were quite polite, a lot said no but some received the Bible. We prayed for God to send His sons
of peace to the table, surely those who came to the table were the ones sent by God. Some of the
students were even locals and open for the Bible study on Wednesday. We can pray for the first Bible
study on campus this Wednesday, February 4.
For the appointment, the local Welsh lady wasn’t available. The saints have been taking care of her
slowly by reading some portion in the ministry and she wants to go over with the current Morning Revival,
The Crystallization Study of Exodus. Let’s pray for her and her son that they would come into the church
life and have the practicality of what she has been enjoying in the ministry. The appointment with the
students was also encouraging, seeing the students enjoying the ministry and co-laboring with the saints
in Bible distribution and contacting new ones.
February 3
Thank you saints for all your prayers. We are now back to Bower house. We can pray for tomorrow’s
coordination time, February 4, for such a sweet overflow of all the teams on all the gospel trips.
Prayer Burdens:
 Meeting hall in the church in Cardiff
 Follow-up for all the contacts in Rhema, Bible distribution, and door knocking
 Two students from Cardiff want to short-term in FTTL, we can pray for their time in the training.